really need advice, im so mad right now!
So I've been babysitting my niece now for about a month. She's two and a half and seems to have a lot of anger issues from being bounced around since she was a baby. Her parents always work and dump her off with someone else when they are home so they can have time to themselves. They pay me not a whole lot per week and I watch her one day and she stays at our house for two days straight another time every week. Anyways, she is always giving us attitude, rolling her eyes, glaring, she won't say goodnight or look at you at bedtime. My son was completely potty trained before this and since she's been around he stopped going in the toilet. I found out today she told him shed give him stickers if he wet his bed and pee his pants! She always sneaks toys out of our house and throws violent fits when you try to give her a bath. My question is, would you keep watching her because she's your niece? I feel like this is bad for my kids but how do I tell my sil without causing huge problems?
Also, I know some states have government assistance for single mothers who are in your situation.
Bottom line is that he is legally obligated to support that child. Disability or not.
@MrsStanley_x2 lmao that's kinda what I feel like saying. I love my niece but this is out of control
@mommyof3girls @fate I know that's what she needs and that's why I feel sick about this all....I think I need to put my kids first but I don't want her to be watched by some stranger who will probably be a lot less patient. She needs her aunt and uncle if her parents don't give her the attention she needs
Have you ever heard of the saying... "one bad Apple spoils the bunch"