weird separation anxiety!

edited May 2012 in Ages & Stages
So I've noticed Tessa getting a little separation anxiety lately, but its so random. The weirdest time is when we go for a walk in the stroller. She used to LOVE going for walks but ever since she grew out of the car seat part and has to face forward, she freaks out!! By the time we get to the end of the block she is practically hysterical. But as soon as we get back home she's fine. What do I do? Should I keep trying, or just not take her for a while?


  • You should try walking next to her for the beginning of the walk and once she's comfortable walk normally. But talk to her the whole time "look at the pretty flowers" and pop up so she can see you often.
  • Lol @mom2ing we pretty much said the same thing, at the same time
  • @mom2ing @summergirl22 thanks!!! It seems like the more I pop around and then disappear the worse it gets lol. I'll try just having her sit in it though.
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