Any one have factor v or mthfr?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I was wondering if anyone had factor v or mthfr. If you do what does the doctor have you taking? I have both and I give myself a shot of 100mg of lovenox eveyday. Im also taking 1000mg shot of b12 once a month. Every day I take my prenatals, a really good b complex , 3 grams of folic acid and 500mg of vitamin c. I had 2 miscarriages last year before we found out that I had these issues so we are really hopeing all of this works.


  • I don't have that but I have had a pulmonary embolism and get to take 90mg of lovenox everyday.
  • I think it Burns when ya take it. And the bruising hurts and sucks. Lol
  • @catben one of my best friends was just diagnosed with factor V but her doctors aren't giving her any info about it at all and there's not much on the internet. Sheis very confused and scared
  • @bigmamak your friend needs to go see a hemotologist. It is a very serious condition and it can kill you if not treated. It killed my mom. Doctors didnt discover it till 1993 so alot of doctors still dont know enough about it.
  • @momof5 I have found that if you stick the needle in slow and push the medicine in slowly the bruising is minimal. It used to burn when I first started taking it but it doesnt any more.
  • @catben she said she sees a hemotologist but he hasn't been very helpful or even mentioned treatment for it. She would like to know what the treatment is?
  • I will try that cause I tell ya I get big bruises and knots under the skin. And I don't have much fat on my tummy now that I'm getting loser to my due date. I can't wait to have the baby and go back on coumadin.
  • I have factor five ledian I take only 60 mg of lovanox ever day a colic acid pill and my prenatals
  • You can use the tops of your legs as well because when u use your stomach all the time they get knots and its harder for the lovanox to spread the way its supposed to
  • @bigmamak she needs to find a new hemotologist and an obgyn who has treated a patient with factor v before. I had to interview a couple of doctors before I found good doctors. It all depends on what type she has (heterozygous or homozygous) her age, if she is ttc or not. At the very least she should be taking a baby asprin every day.
  • I don't have those but I have a protein S deficiency so my doctor put me on 40 mg of lovenox daily. I agree with momof5. It burns. :( I got my first knot and major bleed last night. My biggest problem with them is the size of the needle. It's like sticking a small straw into my flesh. I did daily injections for a different condition for several years so I thought these would be easy. But the needle is definitely wider.
  • @catben thanx I will pass the info. She's 34 not ttc was jut diagnosed last week
  • I have factor V, found out during my first pregnancy, bed rest and a leg twice the size of the other was no fun! Now we r ttc and I have been trying to find out what ill be on since my midwife said we'd talk about it when the time comes! One injection/day of lovenox would be great! I had 2 heparin injections/day with the initial clot but do not take cumadin, its been 7 years :) is anyone on besdrest or are you allowed to continue normal activity including running? Thanks!
  • I'm on bed rest cuz I am having twins. I found out in June bout my factor five and to here them tell me I have to be on comidan kinda hurt me I mean I just turned 25 and to know I can't drink or eat certain foods can't travel and also got another genetic gene from my parents I am at high risk for heart failure just to much to handle at one time
  • @emilymoto I am on bedrest but only for about two weeks hopefully. Doctor told me im not to exercise at all for the whole pregnancy. Which has been hard because I worked out 5 days a week before.

    &baby_gurls both of my doctors said you cant take coumadin during pregnancy because it passes the placenta and is harmful to the baby.
  • Ya I ment have to take it after I have the twins lol I am on lovanox right now
  • I have factor v and mthfr (both hetero). I have also had a dvt pre-pregnancies but I was on hormones (birthcontrol) and won't be able to do that again. I was 25 when I got the dvt and took coumadin for 2 1/2 years until I had internal bleeding from a cyst. Pregnant with second now and taking 100 mg lovenox/day (60 am and 40 pm). I also take 81mg asprin daily, 1000-1200 mg calcium due to the lovenox and a penatal.
    @baby_gurls You have to take lovenox 6 weeks postpartum but don't assume you have to be on coumadin forever. Talk to a few hematogists if you have to and do your own research. There is a lot of info on the web. Coumadin is a pain and I'm not sure they know the long term effects in young people. My twin sister and friend both have factor v and mthfr but don't have to take coumadin. Neither have had clots. They just can't take hormones. Is the coumadin to help the heart too? Research! The main thing with coumadin and diet is to be consistent and keep it all in moderation. There really isn't much you can't eat or drink. Be sure to drink lots of water. Sending u hugs! I know it is a lot to have to deal with. I too was very bummed to get the coumadin discussion at 25! Best of luck.
  • I tried to stop taking coumidan twice now and e erytime I do I get a blood clot
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