what would you do? *update @ bottom*

edited May 2012 in Relationships
I just found out that my bfs talking to another girl behind my back. When I moved out for 5 days at the beginning of the year they were talking, and I told her to fuck off, and stop calling....well he's been really shady about his phone lately, and after he fell asleep tonight I checked it. They've been talking on fb and I seen they've been calling each other. Apparently they hung out 5/4, and he took her lighter, and told her he loved her. Wtf. What else did they do that I don't know about?? I'm so pissed and hurt. I want to wake him up and yell at him. Now I don't even trust him when he says he's going to work or his grandparents business.

What should I do? Should I confront him and ask him wtf's going on? I know he's going to say ”well you talk to guys all day long” which doesn't even happen...he constantly says that to me, even though I tell him ”go ahead and look through my phone, I'm not hiding anything”


  • I would confront him and ask him what's going on.
  • Does he get mad when you look threw his phone?
  • Men and women that accuse their SO of cheating do so because they are. That's usually the case. I'm sooo sorry that you are going through this. I'm surprised you've kept your composure this long. If you hold out, maybe talk to this girl and see what lies he's told her. You can't really be mad at her, since he's the one that keeps making contact. You don't know what lies he's feeding her, and I can guarantee they are far from the truth.

    Think before you speak and act. I know it's hard when all you want to do is confront.
  • @I'm going to confront him in the morning..but I know he'll act like he doesn't know what he's talking about.

    Normally no, but lately if I even look at his phone he grabs it up, and hides it, and at night he puts it under his pillow...so I knew he was hiding something.
  • I'm so sorry you are going through this :( try to talk to him hun you are his babymomma and he should have.much more respectfor you I know there fights and stuff and the breakup but If tall got back together he should have stopped that.
  • @EricaK22 dudes can be dumb jerks I hope things get better for you once you say something to him and get the truth cause nobody deserves to get lied to
  • @jazzie

    @mijita I've told him that before and he says I only say that because I'm the one cheating..like I have that much time on my hands. I don't even want to contact her, it's just going to stress me out further, but now that I think about it he ALWAYS has to go places by himself, and right after he either go to sleep or gets in the shower asap. :/

    @salasmommy I don't think he has any respect for me. He's constantly telling me how fat, and ugly I am regardless of the fact I'm 6months pregnant with our second. He should have stopped youre right, I just don't know how long he's been doing this for, and to not delete the message was him begging to get caught.
  • No man should ever treat his pregnant lady the way you are being treated. You deserve better, I hope you know that. You are worth more than that and he knows that's why he's staying and hoping he doesn't get caught.
  • @mijita I don't think he knows how to treat me pregnant or not. He's such a douche. I don't even want to sleep next to him tonight until I find out what the messages were all about, and why they were hanging out in the first place.
  • Do you think he is sleeping with her? I hope he isnt! Your giving him children wth -__- I'm mad start going with him places don't let him have time to himself
  • @SalasMommy sad thing is, she should have to. Ugh!
  • @salasmommy I really hope he's not, but I don't know for sure. He's completely stopped trying to have sex with me lately..which signaled to me something was up. I try to go every place I can, but @mijita is right I shouldn't have to. He'll tell me he wants to do something, I start getting ready, and he leaves..it's like he doesn't want to be seen with me it want anyone to know we have a child together.
  • @salasmommy @mijita I went and took a 15min shower, and when I came back his phone was gone so I'm assuming it's under his pillow, but that's fine I don't need to see anything else...I've seen all I need to, to confront him later today.
  • U need to bring it up for sure and don't even let say anything about u just say don't start pointing you're finger just BC you know you're doing something wrong. And of u think his that bad about how he treats u in general then u need to stop and think if u even want the relationship.
  • Im sorry u got to go through this & girl ur too nice. I would not wait til hes done sleeping. I would of been thru the phone at my husband n told him to Wake his sorry ass up. Like someone said above if hes always accussing u of things then thats the stuff hes doing. I cant believe he told the girl he loved her? I hope things get better for u.
  • I agree you are TOO nice!! You don't deserve that crap!! Confront him, and if he still won't fess up, confront her. He sounds like a d-bag. He's never gonna respect you if you don't respect yourself, so don't put up with his bs! I know its easier said than done, but trust me I've been there and until you put your foot down and demand change, he's just gonna walk all over you.
  • Yeah the biggest sign of cheating is guilt so if hes claiming your cheating more then likely hes cheating....good luck I hope you solve this. Hes being such an ass..
  • edited May 2012
    I had this happen to me before and I threw the phone at him and drove to the girls house cause I knew where she lived...Update?
  • Well, from experience in this, I confronted him right away. I said "Why are you cheating on me?", with a calm voice. And he opened right up. He cried a lot... I'm here for you hun. I wouldn't wish a cheater on anyone, emotional cheating, nor sexual. Hurts all the same. Hugs.
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  • edited May 2012
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  • @jules @mijita @salasamommy @nylasmommy @starrxoxo09 @mommy2ari @fate @newmomma13 @armahnismommy

    I haven't confronted him yet, the whole day I just give him dirty looks and won't speak to him so he know's i'm pissed off about something..he went to go pick up his paycheck, and I texted him after he left that we needed to talk when he gets back..so i'll update after I talk to him.
  • I know you shouldn't have to but that's maybe a way he will stop seeing her.. does he spend money on her I mean that you know about? Do you have another option besides being with him?
  • @salasmommy I doubt he's spending money on her. His job is kinda slow now due to the severe storms that we've been having here, so he only make's so much now, but when he gets paid I make him put gas in our car, or pay his phone bill or buy diapers with it, and I take the rest and put it away because if I don't he'll spend it all at one place. If I leave here I have no other place to go. My mom won't take me in, and my sister just moved in with her bf, and she is expecting her first, and the rest of my family lives 6 states away.
  • That sucks to be in that situation but i guess you have to make it work there.. does the girl know he's with u
  • @salasmommy I'm sure she does, she was super pissed when he blew her off to help me move back in, and threatened to come to our house, I've never even met the girl before and she has a boyfriend herself!
  • @ArmahnisMommy lol girl nah I went over there and acted like a lady but I should've beat the bitches ass after I found out she was still trying to talk to him
  • Ughh freaking skank Ass hoe homerecking bitches make me mad -______- you should tell her boyfriend I know i would I think I would beat her but ugh I'm a momma now
  • @salasmommy if I didn't have a kid and was pregnant I would of laid her ass out the first time!
  • I bet ugh I'm pissed

    You have too be smart think of your options carefully..

    If he is sleeping with her he can give you a disease the doctors only check at the beggining of the pgncy god forbid you pass it to your baby
    So get checked and stop the sex I read that tall aren't doing it anyway but go to the doctor

    Another thing you have no where to go so you can etheir one try to make it work with him as he is the father of your children and you are about to pop. He must assure you that he stopped.contact maybe delete his fb change his number whatever to make you feel secure you have to lay the cards on the table and say hey your about to have two kids if you want to give them a FAMILy you need to change

    Another option is go to a shelter file child support they give you a place to stay and the help they give you is huge they find daycare for you get you into emergency housing help you find a job..you can make it on your own.. it is up to you..
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