I've been having the same thing only it is on my right side. It feels like a weird stretchy crampy feeling. I was told it is ligament pain. I'm due oct 24th so I'm not much off from you.
Im due Sep 26 and pregnant with my third. I've had the same ligament stretching with my other two also. It's more annoying than anything but all part of the joys of motherhood. Lol. It will subside soon.
All is good the little person is right where it should be and they did an ultrasound and I got to see the tiny heart beat... they also changed my due 10 instead of the 17. It's measurement is 1.54 centimeter long. It is such a little peanut...
i keep having a pain come and go in my right side its like a throbbing pain. its more discomforting then painful thou. i keep getting period like pains still as well is this normal as this is my first