What gives?

edited May 2012 in Parenting
So I took my oldest to see a movie. We return home @ 1am to find husband still up with 10month old and 3 yr old running around the house. But wait it gets even better the three found a pencil and redecorated my bedroom walls. FYI toothpaste really does get that off the wall. First time Iv seen a movie since I don't know when and he can't even put them to bed by himself what the hell. So here it's almost 2am and I just finish clean my walls mind you he is going to go to bed and I will have to put the kids to bed. Really wtf do I have to do to get a little break.


  • edited May 2012
    Men are just those kinds of people that dont care about bedtimes or whatever. Not that he doesn't care about your kids. A lit of them are just not as concerned as we are. My husband is the same way. I know he means well sometimes but he can still piss me off lol...but I understand your anger...should have put the kids to sleep though when you finally got home
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