Making a list of must need before baby comes. Could use some help!



  • @mommyof3girls I second that. I had two one for upstairs and one for down. I pretty much got two of everything lol now my nursery is a storage space. He won't sleep in there anyway so no big deal.
  • It isn't really a baby item persay but if you don't have a slow cooker/crockpot think about getting one. There are millions of recipes on the internet, and unless you're having someone cook for you, it is an amazing invention.
  • Also a good idea :)
  • edited May 2012
    Swing is great thing to have! Carseat is up to you but I NEVER used my stroller...too damn big to get in and out of the car.

    We use soothers or gumdrop pacifiers. I'm breast feeding and pumping. We use the playtex "nurser" bottles that have the drop in when we do bottle feed or I use the bottles that came with my ameda breast pump.

    Diapers is up to personal preference. I persoanlly like pampers since they hide odor better. Huggies seem to leak a lot with my kids. I heard from a good friend that loves are a good subistute to pampers that they are pretty much the same.

    Dunno about storage since people like different things but you could try those rubbermaid container drawer thingys.

    I put things like blankets (cant have too many of those) bottles, wipes, diapers, boppy pillow,etc on my registry. I would wait to buy anything but clothes before your shower.

  • Clothes... Vasoline if you are having a boy..... :)
  • @candy101 how long does it normally take to get your supply in? I am very nervous and not sure I wanna bf!

    @2ndbutfirst will they teach me how to swaddle baby at the hospital? I have so much to learn I feel like lol.

    @baileygoose thanks! I never thought about baby nail clipper.

    @momaynot what exactly is a cosleeper? Waterproof clothes sound like a good idea! I am a clean freak kinda lol. I would love to have something like that to put in the pac and play and be able to take out and clean.

    @mommyof3girls will a new born use a bouncer seat? Or is that when they are a little older? I'll have to google what it looks like lol.

    @kayleigh27 alot of people say they like pampers I think I might try those!

    @karla_with_a_k I am having a baby girl :X clothes I am never sure what size! I have a couple newborn outfits. And I got some 0-3 month stuff. Sleepers and plain onsies should I just get in a few different sizes?

    @conereeaght I have a slow cooker I should start practicing recipes lol.
  • @starxoxo9 lol aww. I will register for one for sure. If I dont get one I am buying a boppy! :P
  • Yep, u can put a newborn in a bouncer seat. Here's one just so u know what im talking about..

    They r wonderful. And u can come in all price ranges. :)
  • I agree with the bouncer seat and crock pot!!!! My arms reach cosleeper attaches to my bed. It is great for breastfeeding because you just roll over and pick the baby up. It is nice because they still have their own place to sleep and you don't have to worry about rolling on them. Also, they say your breathing can help prevent Sids and it is nice to be able to look over at the baby and see they are ok without having to get up. I don't have to have it but it is VERY nice! She used it until she was 6 months.
  • Yes, clothes in all sizes are great cause you never kno how big or small baby will be.
  • gahh there was sooooo much i needed!!

    heres a small MUST NEED list lol..

    Baby Powder - not for diapers but for when it gets hot out and they sweat on their bodies.. it prevents heat rash

    Butt Paste - big time life saver. my daughter didnt agree with any diapers except huggies.. also wipes are great from target (the up & up brand. way better than higgues imo.)

    A&D or Vaseline - for every diaper change (boy or girl), it prevents diaper rash

    Gas Drops- imo walmart brand works better than milicon and its way cheaper.

    Gripe Water - for hiccups and sour tummy.

    Pediacare - its for fevers, pain, teething.. ect. (its only acetaminophen) No ibuprophen till atleast 6 months of age.

    Pedialyte - for dehydration

    Extra Bottle Brushes (if formula feeding) - I go through about 3-4 EVERY month.

    & my advice is to stock up on everything.. you never know when you hit a rock and cant get to the store. That happened twice to me and thank god were totally stocked up on everything.

  • I use a bassinet but only because I found an awesome one @ a second hand store. My swing was a life saver for me with my first..but my second son doesn't care for it really. He doesn't hate it but he doesn't go nuts for it.
    I like Dr Browns bottles, especially with my first son. My second didn't need the Dr.browns and I just use the Gerber cheapo ones.
    I cloth diaper at home. I use OsoCozy cloth diapers secured with snappish and a bummis whisper wrap. When I go out I use dollar general kidgets brand. Best diapers ever!! For the best price. (Found this out with my first)
    I make my own wipes with folded viva paper towels (softest and strongest I've found) wet with water and squirt of baby soap. If I had to choose though, I like meijer brand wipes.
    My first did not wear newborn at all. We brought him home in a 0-3 months that I packed by accident (thank goodness!) But my second just got out of newborn and he just turned 3 months
    I used the boppy but only because it was given at my shower. I use a pillow most of the time for bfing but my boys liked/like sitting up in it.
    I have a travel system but it was kind of awkward to be honest. I can carry the car seat on my arm and move better than with that tank. I have an umbrella stroller that works fine once they can hold their head upright.
    I used butt paste with my first for diaper rash (awesome stuff!) But haven't needed it with my second since I cloth diaper.
    I use gentle lentil soap from LUSH for everyone in the house including my babies. Smells fantastic and is so gentle.
    There was a lot of stuff I was told was necessary for babies that I didn't even bother with lol. (I.e. wipe warmer, bottle warmer, nasal boogie sucker thing..)
  • My son was in newborn diapers and clothes for months and was 7lbs13oz, so i wouldn't say never buy NB sizes. Also the umbilical notch is handy. A swing is definitely worth it. I got a pack and play with the bassinet built in. I used huggies, luvs, and pampers but recently switched to up and up which is target brand and I love them, especially for the price. NOT the wipes. I returned them they were so bad.
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