nights like this i'm so thankful for my mommy

edited May 2012 in Pregnant
I feel like I've completely lost my mind. I've been sitting here sobbing for about an hour. Sometimes the reality that I should be a mommy hits me out of no where. And I feel like I'm losing everything all over again. My baby should be getting ready to turn three months old on June second. And here I am empty handed and alone with nothing to show for all the trying to conceive over the past few months. And with everything that has happened over the past few days I feel like a failure as a woman. Maybe it was an evap line on that test and maybe it was a bfp and then a chemical pregnancy. But I am a woman. My whole reason for being here is to be a mom and carry children so why the fuck can't I do it?! I've never in my life felt such pain. And I feel so stupid because there are ladies on here who have lost their children farther along than I did but it hurts! I called my mom and I feel so bad because its midnight but I needed her. It doesn't matter how old I am or how old I get I'm always gonna need her. Especially in this situation. I guess I just needed to really vent. So please say a prayer for me before you go to sleep ladies. I sure do need it.


  • Thank you @2ndbutfirst. I needed that.
  • I'm so sorry hun. I understand everything you're going thru. I was there once and I know how much it hurts. I agree with @2ndbutfirst. You're an amazing woman and God will reward you with the most beautiful baby. I will be praying for you. May God give you strength during this time. Hugs***
  • You are a wonderful are only given what you can handle. You are in my thoughts hun. Keep your chin up you will get your rainbow baby soon enough.
  • edited May 2012
    I was really keeping my fingers crossed for you this past cycle. I hope deep down that your dream about having a baby come into your life comes true soon. A loss hurts regardless of how far you were. I still grieve over my losses. Keep your chin up. We're lucky we have moms who we can call at midnight when we need them :) Feel better, love. XOXO
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