spd in pregnancy

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
My doc says I am suffering from spd and I am in constante pain and was wondering if anybody else has had this and what they did to ease the pain


  • Symphysis pubis dysfunction
  • Oh, I'm sorry to hear that you have to deal with this. I had it during my second pregnancy. I was going back and forth to college, walking around the campus all day, and dropping off and picking up my son from preschool at the time. I really had to slow down, put my feet up more often and take it easy. My doc said it was common, but I felt horrible. I could barely walk at times. Staying off of your feet as much as possible will most likely help, along with not overdoing it when you're active, like sports, exercise, and/or walking. I hope this helps and I hope that you feel better soon! Congratulations and God bless!
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