how long/many..

edited May 2012 in Babies
Naps does/did your 6.5 month old take a day? Lately she has been talking like 3 and a half hours long in the morning and then maybe like a half hour to 45min in the afternoon and then bed at 7:30-8pm.


  • Naliyah barely naps
  • Oh wow! @newmomma13 I don't think i could handle no naps...she gets so cranky after like 4hrs lol
  • She has to be like really really get maybe one good nap in
  • Keegan is 7 months old. She wakes up around 10:30, naps from 11:45-1.30 then again like 4-4:45 then bed between 9&10
  • Jack takes 3 naps a day usually an hour to 1 1/2 hours long
  • I just put her down for a nap after that last comment and now she's awake lol
  • Mine only takes 2-3 30-45 min naps. I don't complain bc of how well he sleeps at night!
  • Mine takes 1 !! Like a hour if that I'm like ugh please sleep lol
  • @newmomma13 not trixie when she gets even a little tired she wants to take a nap. That wasn't very long lol.
    @1stwoodsbaby I wish she would sleep that late. She is up no later than 7:30 but she goes to bed no later than 8pm.
    @sands3 she use to take 3 till she started taking like 2 naps in one lol.
    @mmomma1013 yea, trixie sleeps pretty well through the night too, but is cranky if she doesn't get one good nap in.
    @mrz_jackson I would tell you some of my tricks, but I don't have any lol. She goes in her swing for her first nap so maybe that does it? Idk. It's nice tho so I get cleaning done.
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