pedialyte? (should i call dr?)

edited May 2012 in Babies Health
My son has had three liquid poopy diapers ( sorry tmi ) in the last two and a half hours. This is not normal for him at all.....normally I'm lucky if he goes once a day. It's to the point where some of it soaks into the diaper. My question is should I be giving him pedialyte to keep him from getting dehydrated?


  • I did for my son but he was 5 or 6m old at the time...
  • He's 6 I mix it with water or give it straight
  • I gave it to him straight or mixed with juice to mask the flavor. He didnt drink much at a time though. I also breastfeed as much as I could/as he wanted. Is he feverish or cutting teeth? My sons was b/c he ate a whole thing of pears and it cleaned him out...
  • I think he's got it from gerber chicken and gravy . How much did you give him? I've never used it so I have no clue what to do with it.
  • I tried 2oz at first by itself and then added juice when he wouldnt take it...
  • Ok thanks so much for your help!
  • :-D It will be ok.
  • I use the unflavored pedialyte with my lo, she would drink it without a problem maybe try that... good luck i hope he feels better soon!!!
  • I give my lo pedialyte when she has loose poop so that she doesnt get dehydrated but i give it to her cold and in a sippy cup thats the only way she will drink it. U should try it.. hope the baby feels.better
  • I got the unflavored Walmart brand....I compared ingredients and they're the same. I mixed it w a little gerber white grape juice and he loves it! Lol thanks for your help!!
  • Good! Glad he likes it!!
  • He's still going....not frequently but still very very runny. He's gone five times since yesterday. I thought it stopped but woke up to a FULL diaper. Should I call the Dr or wait it out?
  • Call the he running a fever? They're probably gonna tell u to give him pedialyte for 24 hours
  • I know my son had very runny diapers last week and cut two teeth over the weekend!
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