What do braxton hicks feel like?

edited May 2012 in Second Trimester
I am still having random cramping.. :/ more like af cramps that come and go. But recently I started feeling this wierd pain in my right lower pelvic like I pulled something and I gotta just stop what I am doing until it stops. It will happen if I sit in a certain spot for awhile or get out of bed. I called the nurse she said it could be Braxton Hicks? I have been feeling baby alot lately. The af like cramps are really making me worry though. Did you have Braxton Hicks? When and what do they feel like?? I am 23 weeks.


  • I had them starting at 20 weeks until the end of pregnancy. Mine just felt like all of my stomach muscles tightening and my stomach would get rock hard. I never had any pain or cramps or anything. I would get them if I laid flat on my back. Usually they say that if you change your position and it goes away, that it was just braxton hicks.
  • Mine felt like normal contractions, but they didnt come at regular intervals and werent very painful. They were just uncomfortable. Is this your first baby? I always worried I wouldnt be able to tell the difference between BH and the real deal, but trust me YOU CAN lol. Once the real ones start, there will be very little doubt lol
  • I suppose I could compare mine to AF cramps. I'm sure thats what it is
  • My stomach would get really really tight especially on the sides
  • I believe that usually with BH your entire belly doesnt get hard. Usually just the sides or lower part if I recall. Whenever I would feel it, id check to see if my belly was hard in all places, even a couple inches above my belly button. If you can get them to go away by changing your position or drinking water (being dehydrated can cause BH) then they arent true contractions. Like I said though, when the real ones start, there will be very little doubt lol
  • @baileygoose @DavidnAadynsMama @newmomma13

    Thanks girls. I had a dr appt today she said it is probably bh and round ligament pain. :-)
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  • @homeBirthAdvocate @DavidAadynsMama

    I have been having this sharp pain in my lower left pelvic the last two days.. :( I think its round ligament pain? Also baby hasn't been to active the last two days.. When I feel here its like deep down almost in my bottom nothing right in my belly. Should I be worried? I dont know what pain is ok and what isn't lol. :(
  • Maybe baby is being the placenta? I guess I don't know much about if the placenta could move so o may be an idiot for saying that....
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