South Korea to chemically castrate repeat child rapist

edited May 2012 in Current Events
South Korea will chemically castrate a repeat sex offender who raped children in the country's first use of a recently implemented law.

The Justice Ministry's Forensic Psychiatry Deliberation Committee had unanimously adopted the measure after concluding that the rapist, known by the surname Park, already determined a pedophile, was highly likely to prey on children again, the Wall Street Journal reported.

Park, 44, was due to be released from prison in July after serving a 10-year sentence for the attempted rape of a 10-year-old girl.

According to the ministry, he molested and raped four girls age 9 to 10 between 1984 and 2002. He had been frequently in and out of prison in that time, and in 1991 kidnapped and repeatedly raped a 9-year-old girl over four days.

Chemical castration, already in use in Germany, Sweden, and some US states, prescribes hormone suppressants to suppress the libido of serial rapists by reducing the production of male testosterone.

This needs to be implemented in every State!


  • I have been saying this forever!!!
  • Wow. I completely agree!!!!
  • And NOT with a repeat offender...with the FIRST.
  • Totally agree!!
  • @2ndbutfirst, I agree. I think it should be a case-by-case basis.
  • And I think people who purposely murdered people should die also.

    Wouldn't we SAVE MILLIONS of tax dollars?
  • @caroline8_p, which is why the US needs to bring back firing squads. Let them be convicted in the criminal justice system by a jury of their peers and off them. All the money we would save...and we would have a GUARANTEED drop in crime rate.

    The countries that implement these kinds of punishments have much lower crime rates than countries that don't!
  • @caroline8_p The death penalty costs more than life imprisonment.

    I think this is awesome and should be done everywhere!
  • A gun and some ammo doesn't @EzrasMommy. ;;)
  • Make the appeals process a year maximum, no 12 years until execution. Upon sentencing, they get taken to be executed by a firing squad. Would be incredibly cheaper.
  • We are too overpopulated anyways. Survival of the fittest. Life isn't fair.
  • @sophiasmom11, I think you're right. I remember something about that.
  • edited May 2012
    Fly them to a country that doesn't have a "hard time" killing murderers, molesters & punishing theives of any sort.
  • Yesssss this needs to happen here. On a side note it makes me wonder what the punishment is for female offenders... :-?
  • Yes Oklahoma allows firing squad option. Lol I live here.... we don't play :P haha we have one of thd highest execution rates (along with texas and another, I believe).
  • I live in Australia!!! We dont need anymore freaks lol
    Totally agree with everything said ladies, castrate, execute... Whatever it takes for these scum to stop what they are doing!!!
  • Does it really work?? Don't you think its still hard wired into their brain to want to go after children? I'm all for it, but they need to do a lobatomy(sp?) too!!!! ;)
  • @tinka1326 hahaha!! "We don't need anymore freaks!"
  • A country that began as a colony of convicts and aboriginals is bound to throw out some interesting characters even generations later
  • I did NOT know that about Australia!
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