HeartBurn!!!!!! Is killing me :/



  • @eaparker
    am going to talk to my doc about it..cuz tums only work for few min..
  • Tums didn't do squat for me. I was on prilosec when i got preggo but stopped taking it when i found out just in case it was a no no. Asked ob at 1st apt. Gave me zantac and i am so thankful.
  • I agree with @kayleesmommy I agree nints help me too... Not the breath mints but those nasty candy mints people keep in candy dishes.
  • @eaparker
    i go back to the doc till 14 of march...yea tums work for me little and then stop working...but am goin to ask my doc to get me on zantac
  • @jess510
    am going to buy some till i go back to the doc...
  • They sell zantac over the counted idk if its safe but I know it works wonders
  • I get really bad heartburn and Gaviscon is the only thing that works for me....its a chewable like tums and totally safe (I asked my doctor). It foams up while you're chewing it...it's awesome it coats everything on the way down...also sleeping with your head elevated helps also...stick a few pillows under ya so the acid doesn't creep up.
  • @jess510
    am going to buy some then....

    Gaviscon is that what it called...am going to try it tonight when i go to bed to stick few pillows
  • Yeah Gaviscon...I got it at walgreens but u can get it anywhere you find tums. Hopefully it works for ya! Heartburn is nooooo fun!
  • Yes 4! I'm pretty sure this is my last. Congrats on ur first. Being a mommy is amazing :-) I'm not sure what I'm having yet. I find out on the 16th of March. I'm anxious. I have two boys & one girl so another girl would be nice but either way I will be excited :-)
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