Should I call the doctor? TMI

edited May 2012 in Health
So I've had a bladder infection for about a week now (have to pee every 5 seconds and some discomfort) I was finally able to make it to the doctors yesterday and he gave me a prescription. Well this morning when I wiped (TMI) it was really really light pink. It almost looked like it did when my water broke. and now all day there has been some discharge. It doesn't smell and its clear and gooey (again, TMI) Has anyone had this before? Did it turn into an infection? I also had cramp like feelings this morning but it went away and I feel fine. Any advice or experience is appreciated!


  • I would call doctor to see if everything is okay how far along are you?
    @homebirthadvocate or @captivated might be able to help you more
    Bump bump
  • How far along are you? For future reference, NEVERRRRRR wait a week to be seen for a UTI especially when pregnant! There are so many risks! Preterm labor, kidney infection etc etc. At least go to ER or Urgent Care if you can't get in. :(

    When you wiped pink, was it from your urine or your vagina? A UTI won't affect vaginal secretions, so if that's the case- it would be unrelated unless you are pregnant and it has affected the pregnancy such as preterm labor, etc. If the cramping has gone away, I wouldn't worry right away, but give your doctor a call tomorrow. Hope you feel better!
  • @musicgalwantsababy and @captivated
    I'm not pregnant lol oops. My son is almost 7months old. AF is supposed to show her ugly face anytime now so I thought maybe it was the beginning of that but I only had pink yesterday morning and this morning. Only after going a while between peeing. and I know, I know...I waiting a long time but with a 6 month old and working fulltime I just put in off :-S
  • Ahhh, my bad! Hehe! Sounds like regular 'ol vaginal spotting. UTI wouldn't cause bleeding, unless it was in your actual urine.
  • @captivated
    it wasnt in my actual urine! Thanks so much for easing my mind
  • Yay! That's much less worrisome!
  • I dont have any advice but you survived a whole week with a uti!!! I would have died while crying on the toilet... Thats stuff hurts like hell!!
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