My daughters having Surgery

edited May 2012 in Current Events
So my 5yr old girl is having surgery in the morning and as the time gets closer I get more nervous even though I been told its minor... I want everythng to go well and pray to god this helps her. She is having her adenoids removed and tubes placed in her ears she hasn't been able to fully breath out her nose, nd has mild hearing loss... she so brave and cannot wait to get it done with.. but its my bby and I knw I'm gona break down nd cry!! I'm usually stronger than most but its my first experience like this as a mother... any advice greatly appreciated and if u have been in this situation what are the symptoms u dealt with? Any pain? What did u do to ease your lil one along....


  • awh, she's going to do just fine, mama! the hardest part for her will be the IV. she will get sleepy meds to make her calm and relaxed before they do anything more scary than that. stock up on popcicles and things like that. make her see right now is a time to be spoiled and relax. she's going to feel a ton better once this is done. fingers crossed for you guys!
  • When they fall asleep and the doctors ask yoü to leave is the worst! I sobbed my heart out because he looked so small but he was fine thank god. He had to have his kidney out and two days later was sat up eating toast! Kids are amazing and she will blow yoü away with her bravery, its us mums that need looking after! :)
  • I had adenoids and tonsils taken out when I was 7 my only memories are , the purple stuff I drank to make me fall asleep, waking up and getting a t~shirt from the hospital, and getting to eat all the popsicles ice cream and pudding I wanted for a week. I am a first time mom to an 8 month old so no experience from a moms point of view, but I know I'd be scared. Thought you might like it from a child point of view! Good luck and I hope all goes well!
  • I had this same surgery at that age. And my tubes had fallen out twice so I had them put in at 5, 7 and 8 . It's not bad other than the iv. They usually make it fun for kids like bubble gum flavored mask that will put you asleep and a character least that's what I got back then. The worst part is gonna be after surgery everything is EXTREMELY loud because your ears haven't adjusted. I remember when I came home my mom vacuumed n omg it made me cry bloody murder it was so loud N my ears started popping. You just have to be very careful with sound level and don't ever get water in her ears cuz they will fall out like mine did
  • Thanks ladies its even better to get it frm a childs prespective... @lafiitz89 I will def thnk about her hearing things she normally didn't pay attention to... just another question for future what is a method I can use so she doesn't get water in her in ears? She loves swimming, nd bathing nd being under water...
  • @tashalou that's the part that is gona kill me to have to leave, nd to have kidney operation wow he is a brave one!!
  • They make ear plugs but I recommend the rubber ones not. This putty type cuz at that age it got stuck in my ears and had to go to the er and get it sucked out and the tubes came out with it
  • My son had his at five I was balling and he was saying bye mommy see later he wasn't scared at all. You can have plugs made that's what we did insurance paid for them. Use them always when swim and bathing. We were lucky his stayed in for 3 yrs one fell out on its own and actually had to have the other one removed. Oh and he is now 15 and hasn't had an ear infection since he was five.
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