playground etiquette
So this morning I was at the park and this boy who was about seven was following my almost three year old around and every time my son wanted to slide or swing this kid jumped on first so my son couldn't. His mom wasn't watching, she was following his sisters around. I tried telling the boy to stop nicely but he didn't so finally I snapped and yelled at him to stop being mean to my son. The mom kinda gave me a dirty look and took her kids to eat their lunch. I felt a little bad but I couldn't stand my son being bullied and don't want him to think its ok. Was I out of line? Should I have maybe said something to the mom instead?
By no means was your concept wrong, kid was being a bully, but the execution wasn't what I would do.
Sorry for your lil guy. He must of been so upset.
Kinda funny, but I just watched an episode of calliou where this happened lol
I really don't care..someone could've got badly hurt.
At a bday and this little boy is constantly being bad and the other kids are telling us he's being mean..we told his mom more than once..and then out in the jumpy he kept grabbing the top of it to make it collapse, well I had enough and yelled.. telling him he needs to stop! His mom finally took him and left!
Some kids need to be to told stop by a stranger when they are misbehaving.. it does stop them..that's when you tell the parents more then once..
But when I see a parent just watching letting it happened and don't say anything to their child, I will say nicely, to stop....when I say yell..I don't mean scream at the kid..just make my voice a little louder..