should i let my oldest go on a field trip

edited March 2011 in Third Trimester
I'm due may 4th but most likely will deliver in April. My daughter has a field trip april 22 to a destination about 3 hours away and wont get back till 6pm. I don't feel to comfortable with her so far away from home encase I go into labor. What should I do??


  • Is there someone else who can be around for when she gets back? Just in case? Or r you the only one who can pick her up? I would say let her if You can have back get her in case of emergency
  • Ultimately, you are the mama and if you aren't comfortable with her going then you shouldn't let her go. However, if she doesn't go and the baby comes on april 23rd she will be furious and may even resent the new baby. Tough call, but I think I would let her go unless she really wants to be there for the birth.
  • Id say let her go. It seems like your thinking of having her miss it on the chance that you have the baby like 2 weeks early. Its hard to say because I don't know the reason for not letting her go. You should know when the time comes how much closer you are to birth. Good luck!!
  • She said she rather have a mommy daughter date instead. I have no way of getting her back if I go into labor. I worry a lot and the trip is on the coast and the roads are very winding and there's lots of accidents. I don't know if worrying about my oldest while I'm in labor is a good idea. Its so tough.
  • If she is not insisting on going and doesn't care to miss it then you best bet it to just keep her home. I worried about my oldest who was 3 when I was in labor with my second daughter. My brother was watching her for us and was taking her out on the lake in the boat. I was worried the entire time. So I know where your coming from!
  • Are you able to back out within a few days if you show signs of labor? What about scheduling to get checked a day or two before the trip to see how things are progressing? She sounds mature enough to handle a last-minute change- how old is she?... I honestly would let her go, myself; she'll be gone less than 24hrs & the odds of going into labor nearly 2 weeks early on that one day in particular are relatively small.
  • I'm risk for early labor as is. She is 11. I think I will let her decide.
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