Egg question

edited May 2012 in Food
My LO is 7m and had egg yesterday at daycare (No Im not mad b/c I dont know how or why and hes a food thief with the other kids so he could have stole it. It was annotated on his paperwork that I didnt see till I got home) BUT they wrote that he did love it. So for those that do give thier young ones egg how do you make it? Scrambled? Only yolks? What?? He has been refusing bottles (or only drinking 1/2 of them) and veggies so were trying to find other stuff for him.


  • edited May 2012
    I've given her the yolks hard boiled. They're awesome. She likes them & they're full of good stuff. McKinley is super frustrating with food. One week she can't eat enough, next week she doesn't want anything. So during the no food weeks I try and make what little food goes into her count.
    Egg yolks, wild oat porridge, avocado cheese pasta etc.
  • My daughter is 7 months and she don't have any teeth yet, but she eats eggs and she loves them. I boil it and cut it up and she eats the whole thing. She also had scrambled eggs before to
  • I scramble them...or make a breakfast quiche with cma little cheese and spinach. He loooooves the quiche!
  • My 7 month old just had egg for the first time this week too. She also loves them. I scramble one, pull it into small pieces, put it on her hairchair tray and let her go to town. Quick, easy, healthy, and she loves it. Works me for.
  • I give Malia scrambled eggs, but she has to eat it with applesauce. I never even though of a hard boiled egg for her, I make them all the time. Lol
  • After reading this I made Sienna a scrambled egg. She wasn't really too fond of it.
  • I think I am going to try the hard boiled egg now! My son is a vacuum cleaner, he will eat anything!
  • Tessa LOVES scrambled eggs! I don't separate the yolk from the white.
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  • how do u make the scrambled? with milk?
    im going to try egg tomorrow
  • It is recommend to wait until after 1 year
  • edited May 2012
    I wanna try eggs now! My daughter wants everything!
  • My 7 month old just had scrabble eggs the other day too.he loves them.
  • For everyone that makes scrambled eggs for they lo, do you add a little bit of milk?
  • @babyhope7 I don't use milk (bc we rarely have it) but I do put a little heavy cream in mine. And a touch of cheese
  • edited May 2012
    @eeyore It's not recommended to wait anymore (if there is no egg allergy in your family). That being said I gave my daughter scrambled eggs at 9 months and she had a mild reaction (red patches around her mouth) but it cleared in a couple hours. Her doc said reintroduce in a few months.

    @babyhope7 you can add milk, infants are just not supposed to drink milk in place of breast milk or formula since they'll be lacking necessary nutrients.
  • Well my lo had a few bites today- thats all he really wanted of it- but he liked it. I made it with milk and a touch of salt. Just keeping an eye on him for now but he is playing away!! Lol...
  • @kristaf22, have you tried avocado or cheese?
  • @kristaf22, I'm glad he's taking the spoon with egg. I hope this means he'll now get used to the feeling of it and starts taking a variety with the spoon.
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