Baby not eating

edited May 2012 in Babies
My baby is teething, her very first tooth, well shes only been drinking 16-19 oz the past 2 days. And she doesnt even act hungry. I have to force feed her every 3 hours. She used to scream after 2.5 hrs for food. Is this normal?


  • Sounds like it. Mine was that way until about 6 months, then the feeding spans foh further apart and the amount of formula increased. Plus, with her teething, she might not be feeling super. Teething is hell!
  • Pretty normal. Just follow her cues, she won't starve herself. Offer her different types of food, like cold yogurt, or her bottle at a different temperature. You can also give tylenol so the pain is controlled a bit then offer food a hour or so later when its kicked in. Also can try giving her an ice cube in one of those mesh things, or a wet cloth to help numb the pain before offering food. If she's still having 4 or so wet diapers a day, she's doing okay.
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