soooo much pain!!! :"(

edited May 2012 in Pregnant
I swear i cant take it anymore!! Im in so much pain i dont know what to do!! Every single step i take every movement i make i feel like crying or screaming. Please someone, anyone helpppp!!!


  • That's like me just now. Sorry am not much help I don't know what to do either. How far along are you? Xx
  • Im 37+2 weeks @star1990
    Im telling on a scale from 1-10 im a 9 or 10!!
  • I wouldn't say I was that bad. I am only 28 weeks. Just try rest for a bit am going to doctors tomorrow. Feel like am going to end up in a wheelchair I don't want that. Hopefully you won't have long to go. X
  • @megaroo ... Awww dang girl! Some of us remember these days that you're having. Sad thing is... Just wait, when those labor pains kick in you'll see that what you're going through today is a walk in the park
  • This my 4th and i have never Verna in so much pain. I am praying for labor pains to come aleady! @YNTVish
  • Never been *
  • If your pain is a 9 or 10, and consider that 9 is giving birth or kidney stone level. Or, you're in so much pain that I can take a scalpel and slice open your right arm without any hesitation from you....then I suggest heading to L&D simply for some form of pain relief. They can give you nubain or dilaudid and send you off with a script for something to help the pain if it is really bad. You should not have to feel like this.
  • Im a going in this morning. I cant take this pain! The last time i asked my stupied docter for a script of anything, he said ohh just take some motrin or advil. Soo i have just trying to deal with the pain since then, but since last night around 9 it has been extramly worse!! @captivated
  • Well, you don't want to ask for narcotics. The way docs are with seekers lately, asking is a sure way to not get any pain relief. Be honest about your level of pain and they are obligated to take care of it. If you say you are in 9 pain and are playing on your cell phone, walking and doesn't look good for you. Honesty is the best policy! I hope you get some relief soon!
  • I went to the hospital and im 3cm 60% effaced with strong contractions every 5-7 mins with 2-3 smaller contractions in between the big ones. The doctor would not give me anything for pain cause he said he did not want to mask anything incase i go into active labor. Im in so much pain its stupid! Does anyone have anything ideas to maybe make my contractions stronger? Mabey @HomeBirthAdvocate or @Bahamamama
  • I thought Advil was forbidden during pregnancy??
  • You can do some squats to make your pelvis widen. It will help with dialation, and possibly make you go into labor faster!
  • It is, and so is motrin!! @AishaMusa
  • So why the hell would your doc tell you to take motrin or advil what an ass of a doc...
  • He really is an ass of a doctor witch just makes it so much harder :'( @AishaMusa
  • Try to relax during contractions don't freak out I know they hurt but it will help with dilation
  • Good luck Hun sorry your doctors suck :(
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