
edited May 2012 in Relationships
So hubby and I started talking after dinner about how we havnt watched a movie since forever and how we said we were going to go places and haven't been there.

He said that he keeps me in mind and that he knows I'm cooped up all the time so he said come on pack some clothes and get naked stuff ready let's go I thought he was just playing

But here we are at San Antonio

Checking in at a hotel (:

Feels good to not think about house chores for a while (:


It is 6am and Jake has decided that his morning started at 5. Wow he usually sleeps until 10am at home the earliest he wakes up 8. I guess its ok I want to make the most of it I can sleep at home. (:

Breakfast starts in 30min and the hubby is still sleeping.

I'm going to let him rest and have bfast with Turtle.

I haven't been to the riverwalk since I was a kid I hope that its as beautiful as I remember. (: sorry if I'm using you guys as a diary. Can you tell I don't get out much lol


  • Lmao jakes not naked
  • Freudian if I've ever heard one! Ha ha ha!

    Have fun! :X
  • That's awesome!! Have fun!!
  • Lmao @ naked stuff!

    Yay for mini vacations, have fun.

    I'm making my hubby take me on a 'surprise' beach trip for my birthday.
  • @mijita what's a freudian? LOL sorry I'm s l o w (:

    @ashley_smashley thanks!! (:
    @conreeaght that's awesome! Don't be like us my son is 15months and we haven't even been on one date without him! We went to the beach when he was three months old and that was it! Don't put it off you will go nuts trust me! LOL
  • Lol, I know I also have an almost nine year old. But for the beach trip it will be a family thing.
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