1 yr old screaming / biting things, including himself..HELP!

edited May 2012 in Parenting
hi everyone! So for the past few months my 1yr old has been screaming, and biting things, including his hands. He gets soo mad sometimes. At first I thought it was cute (the screaming) but now not so much!!!

Isn't he too young for temper tantrums?! I tryed everything to stop him from biting and hurting himself. Nothing has worked!


  • McKinley is almost one and definitely throws temper tantrums. A few weeks ago, we were at Walmart and I bought her a new toy. She really wanted to see it, so I let her hold it (bad decision on my part) but when I took it back for the cashier to scan she freaked out, flailing & screaming. I got so flustered!! But I didn't give it back to her, I don't want her to think that's ok, and the freak out lasted to whole ride home. :/ not fun. Sorry I don't have advice, just wanted you to know you're not alone with the temper tantrums.
  • Mine has thrown tantrums since she was about 7 months. Now with the new baby here they have gotten worse. Idk how a 1 yr old acts like that but mine sure does. She sometimes will fall to the ground all dramatic like!!! I guess God is punishing me for all the tantrums I threw with my mom :) I just try not to give in to what she wants. Its hard but kids aren't in charge. You are.

    I once read an article to hold your kid reallly close when they are having a tantrum so that they cant move...I think that would make it worse but I've never tried it. I personally just kneel down and calmly tell her to calm down and that she cant always get what she wants. Shes 1 too and seems to understand..sometimes anyways lol. If she keeps at it I kinda slap her hand. Not too hard but enough to get her attention and then I tell her again to calm down
  • Idk what to do lol. He's so fresh now! He use to be a sweet quiet little baby lol. This past weekend all he does is cry. N I'm just so exhausted and over it. I tryed tapping his hand and telling him no. Iv tryed pointing my finger and telling him no no, and to calm down.
  • Ignore it, thats the best thing. When they start just act like yoü cant hear or see them and carry on doing what yoü were doing but make it sound fun but without being obvious. They will stop and become curious and when they act normal involve them and show attention. Kids throw fits to mainly get noticed and even shouting and lightly smacking means they've göt what they wanted. Just show them that only good behaviour gets your attention :)
  • I try. But at my moms, she doesny have a high chair, so I feed him in his walker. N he wants to walk around and do what he wants, and that pisses him off when I don't let him go. Which is probably a bad Idea, to feed him in it, but its all I have for him there.
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  • Aw crap lol.
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