ok ladies who had a baby & got preggo again before they were 1 ###update## :(
how is it being preggo & having one under 1? do you have enough time for both? what about when baby comes? how hard is it? i want to hear your stories please! i wont say whats going on with me cuz i dont want to be bashed & banished soo please please tell me how it is
I always have time for both. My daughter is already protective of her brother and "tries" to play with him all the time. If the baby is napping I take the time to play a little with her or make her a snack.
@mama_kat thats true about the baby equipmint how is it having them so close in age for your older ones are they close? how do they interact?
No need to be embarrassed if you are pregnant. There's LOTS of women on here that are pregnant again with babies under 1year.
I'm worried about how it'll be once the next little one gets here. I'm a SAHM and my husband works nights so I'm always alone with the little one day and night with no help.
@nova oooh lol that makes more sense is your bd ok with it? excited too?
@mama_kat thats cute!
@1stwoodsbaby i think your name needs an update lol how are thingswith your hubby i stalked a couple of your posts
did any of you have ppd & how was it dealing with the added stress
Its hard but you can do it. And it doesnt matter what anyone thinks about your age or how many babys you have it is your life and your family!!
@jazzie yeah idk what im going to do yet
@fate so far i have been non stop sick havent eaten a meal in days & sleep all day with no energy for my dd
@nova thats cute:)
@mama_kat yeah my ppd was controlable because of bf & family this this time who knows
@megaroo your a strong lady
I mean I know some people like to criticize but really you are the one going trough it they can shove it lol (:
I'm 21 with a 12 month old, and if it was up to me id be preggo right now, but my hubby wants to wait a little till were more stable.
But I could be preggos, almost 2 weeks ago I had my mirana out, but I had sex the night before.. so idk! And I feel like I am, I'm having uncontrollable hunger and cravings.
the baby has a slow heartrate so dr said i will probly miscarry anyway im 6 weeks & if i dont miscarry i will have a hard pregnancy high risk so we decided to terminate since we dont have the time or money for me to be out of work & since the baby had such a low heartrate it would cause too much stress.