Contractions at 24 weeks? Need advice...

edited May 2012 in Second Trimester
So I need advice from any ladies that can help me. I have been experiencing what I am assuming are Braxton hicks contractions- stomach/uterus tightening into a hard knot, with some light cramping at the same time. No bleeding or anything. I know having these are normal during the second and third trimester (I am 24 weeks) but is there such a thing as having them too much? For the past 3 days I have been having about 5 an hour, every hour. They aren't getting more frequent or anything, just not going away. I have tried drinking water and resting and they still continue. Everyone I'm talking to acts like its no big deal, even the nurse I talked to at my ob's office. But it is really worrying me! Anyone have any advice/similar experiences they could share? Should I call my doctor's office again if they don't go away?


  • I started having dull lower bak pain an my Dr made me come n the same day an my cervix was changing I think they shuld check u jus to make sure
  • Thanks @Mrz_Jackson I think I will call again tomorrow and just tell them I am still concerned. Thank you for the input!
  • Mine were like that with my 2nd child. They were constant, or at least seemed that way. I hardly noticed them with my first baby though.
  • Yes, I had them all the time. I too felt a little neglected by my Drs. But then I stated having them 6 to 7 times an hour and they finally told me to go in. They hooked me up and I of course stopped feeling them so I figured they were going to treat me like a hypochondriac again but, sure enough, the monitor was picking up strong contractions. This happened 2 or 3 times second and early third trimester. They had to give me medicine to stop them. Go with your gut! I usually ignored my Drs and went with my gut and was usually right.
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  • Thanks for sharing yalls experiences @davidnaadynsmama and @smcox . How strong did your contractions feel? The pain isn't bad but I can definitely feel my uterus hardening and it's uncomfortable. Like you said, I want to go with my gut but at the same time I don't want to be annoying ftm that's overreacting! Lol
  • @2ndbutfirst and @myfirstbabii were your contractions intense? Or did you just go in cause you were having them all the time?
  • Follow your gut. I caught a simple virus from my 5 year old that sent me to the hospital early on, I kept putting it off and putting it off and suddenly I got up off the bed to go to the bathroom and couldnt walk. Two IVs and 6 or so hrs of monitoring and they finally stopped. They said that my vomiting from the virus brought it on. (I had severe morning sickness and that didnt bring it on like the virus did) So trust your gut cause if I had I would have been at the hospital hours earlier...
  • Hun, nurses in L&D have women come in for nothing every day. They won't think anything of it if it is nothing. They may joke and say, "there's another one!", but they understand women's worries. They also understand being safer than sorry. Go in, get your cervix checked. Preterm labor is classified as progressive changes to your cervix. If they are true contractions, they can stop it before/ if that would happen. Call your doc tomorrow and request to be seen. Be pushy. If you need to feel better and quell your worries, head to l&d!
  • @lilbit01_209 I'm glad that you and baby were okay! That is scary. I think I am going to call again tomorrow, hopefully they won't blow me off again.

    Do you guys think it could be actual labor even though my contractions aren't very painful or close together? Just consistent?
  • It could be. It could also not be. Tons of women get consistent BH. :(
  • Oh we are good and he is a hyper little 7 1/2m old now... I dont think its actual labor but it can possibly turn into that quickly if there is something going on...
  • @captivated you are right. I just hate it when you go in and they roll their eyes at you, ya know? I just want to be taken seriously. But I'm sure they know pregnant women are worriers!
  • @navea28 they aren't that strong or painful feeling. Felt like light cramps. And like someone else said, the hospital nurses were always nice to me and always said better safe than sorry. My Obgyn was a Douche about it all the time though! I will never use an Obgyn again! She was rude and a bitch. I wasn't feeling Damien one time (of many) and she made me cry but the nurse grabbed me tissues and sat down with me and comforted me and told me to always do what I thought was right. My butt head of a Dr never even thought to investigate why I was hardly ever feeling Damien. Wasn't til I was 37 weeks and doing a routine ultrasound they found out I had too much fluid. So seriously, Drs of course know a lot but not everything! And nurses are a million times nicer and more understanding than Drs! And like I said mine ended up showing up as strong contractions that needed medical intervention to stop. Keep us updated!
  • Thanks everyone for your advice! I am going to go in tomorrow and ask to be checked. It's great knowing I can post concerns on here and get so many responses to help me figure out what to do! Cause trust me, my husbands opinions about pregnancy issues don't hold a lot of cred with me!
  • Make sure you stay hydrated and use the bathroom as much as u need to. Dehydration can cause bh contractions and a full bladder can too. If you're already doing that then probably need to be seen a.s.a.p even if they don't hurt.
  • @smcox that sucks that your doc was a jerk! You would think that he would understand that you have the right to be worried about your unborn children, I mean all kinds of things can go wrong and we can't see what's going on in there!
  • Mine werent painful, just uncomfortable. Very very rarely I would feel one that was painful. I would definitely ask to be checked though. Dont be afraid to be pushy. Its YOUR baby and YOUR body. They'll get over it. With my first son, I went into labor at 32 weeks and they were able to stop it quite easily and then I was on bed rest. Just stay hydrated, take it easy and no sex until you get yourself checked out, but im sure everything is alright. I had BH for months with my 2nd baby. All mommies worry though. Thats a good thing :)
  • i had the same issue at 24 wks and turned out they were real contractions.drs said dont worry but i went to the hospital and was dilated.they had to give me steroids and put me on strict bedrest.its normal to worry but if u feel u need a piece of mind just go in to make sure.btw they told me she can come at anytime and after two rounds of steroids i made it to the week before my due date good luck and hope everything turns out ok
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