Spanking your baby

edited May 2012 in Parenting
My LO always pulls hair, she loves to hit just to hear you scream ouch and she loves to bite to get a reaction out of you. So So many times I've threatened her... "oooh girl, you better be lucky you're too small for a spanking." and so so many times she smacked me after... RMAO!!! She as no clue it hurts, she thinks its a game!

I really doubt if I would ever spank her because I dont even spank my other kids. What age do you think toddlers should get spankings, hand pops or butt swats?


  • They say before 18 months it's child abuse. But my 7 month old gets a 2 finger tap on the back of the hand when she does stuff like that if she wont stop. I rarely spank my son who is almost 3 I did the same with him when he was younger if he was hurting me or touching something dangerous. He was around 2 before he got a butt swat
  • When they are old enough to understand that they do naughty things, so prob three because before that they are just testing and exploring and dont know right from wrong and even after three I would only smack if they put themselves in danger to really shock them :)
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