yogurt? TMI
The past couple of days I've had a lot of discharge....and it smells pretty funky. I dont think it's a yeast infection or anything, I think I'm just unbalanced down there. I've tried washing multiple times a day, vagisile, and washes that are suppose to help with smell and ph balance, but nothing is working. I rememeber ladies on here saying about putting yogurt down there to even everything out? My question is do I need a special kind of yougurt? And how do I apply it...on a pad in panties or do I just put it on and go commando? Help Please!!!
@starrxoxo9 what kind of homeopathic remedy did you find? I recently found a store near me that specializes in homeopathic remedies so maybe I'll make a trip there today too.
I'd rather have a yeast infection lol they're easier to get rid of.