yogurt? TMI

The past couple of days I've had a lot of discharge....and it smells pretty funky. I dont think it's a yeast infection or anything, I think I'm just unbalanced down there. I've tried washing multiple times a day, vagisile, and washes that are suppose to help with smell and ph balance, but nothing is working. I rememeber ladies on here saying about putting yogurt down there to even everything out? My question is do I need a special kind of yougurt? And how do I apply it...on a pad in panties or do I just put it on and go commando? Help Please!!!


  • edited May 2012
    Sounds like bv. I've been dealing with the same thing. I've heard yogurt works. Use plain yogurt, take a tampon out of the applicator and fill it with the yogurt and use the applicator to insert it. I ended up buying a homeopathic remedy from the store and it seems to be helping. I've also started taking probiotics everyday.
  • Plain yogurt with acidophilous . Put it in a tampon applicator, and freeze it(it's less messy this way). Insert it like you would a tampon for 3 nights. Just use a panty liner to keep it from getting all over. It does work! Just to make sure get one of the testing kits that tell you by the Ph if it's a yeast infection or bv.
  • Oh and take probiotics by mouth, or just eat some yogurt everyday. It helps keep yeast infections at bay. :)
  • You want to be seen by your ob for some swabs and samples to be taken. Bv and yeast infections have pretty much exact symptoms of the other. You don't want to treat for BV with yeast infection treatments or it will only get worse. :(
  • @captivated does the yogurt only work for yeast??
  • I'll go grab one of the test kits from the store and start there. Really hoping its BV and not a yeast infection...no insurance right now and really dont want to have to spend the money on Dr appts and medicine. I'm not itchy and any time I've had a yeast infection I remember being itchier than hell.....so that gives me hope lol.

    @starrxoxo9 what kind of homeopathic remedy did you find? I recently found a store near me that specializes in homeopathic remedies so maybe I'll make a trip there today too.
  • OK I'm confused now lol Is yogurt for yeast or BV???
  • Yep @tinksmommy. Yogurt balances the pH which causes a yeast infection. BV is from an infection and yogurt doesn't cure bacterial infections. You need antibiotics for BV. So the one you *want* is a yeast infection if you don't have insurance.
  • ohhh ok! @captivated Thank you!!!! Im off to the store to buy the test kit and go from there.
  • It's called "vh essentials bv treatment" lol I got it at Walgreens by the feminine hygiene stuff. Here's a link so you know what it looks like.


    I'd rather have a yeast infection lol they're easier to get rid of.
  • Ahhh good to know! Obviously we don't learn all the natural treatments in school! @starrxoxo9
  • @captivated its a little pricey, but of course the infection started right before the holiday weekend and there was no way I was going a week or more smelling like a dumpster lol.
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