this might be a stupid ? but im curious

Can you ovulate without a period??? I am still ebf and my daughter is 9 mths old...i know that your period could come back at any time but I'm wondering even if I'm not having a period, can I still be ovulating...I stopped nursing my son at 8 mnths and it took two mnths after that to get pregnant...never dis get my period back so I know I got pregnant one my first husband and I want to start ttc


  • Sry....ttc but I'm not ready to quit nursing....just wondering if I could still be ovulating (yes I get I could be starting up at any time lol )
  • Yes you can def still ovualting, i dont know alot about the whole breastfeeding thing but my sister is still nursing my niece is 1 yr 5 months and shes about 2 months pregnant
  • Yes, you can ovulate without a period. Breastfeeding or not :)
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