Just got to get this off my chest

edited May 2012 in Breastfeeding
Pardon the pun but do need to off load a little!!

When I decided to try & bf, I was honestly worried how I'd manage when out, would I cope if anyone commented etc. what I never thought I'd have to deal with was crap from family & friends even if it was well intended but misinformed, this is some of what I've had to deal with:

In the very beginning when bf wasn't going so well, I had to put up with people telling me to ff, I'd tried my best & why struggle?

Then it was why don't you get some formula & bottles in just in case? & when I wouldn't telling my partner to

Followed by how tired I look, why not give a bottle at night so I can have a break.

& ooh if he's feeding that often, your body will struggle to keep up with his demand & your milk won't be that good or you're not making enough.

Still not sleeping through? Give him formula or shouldn't he be on solids by now?

I'm not bashing anyone who ff's, I just wish people who should, would support me & not try to make me feel I'm doing the wrong thing by me & my son. Whenever he gets checked, I'm told he's thriving, he's in the 91-95% for weight & height, others comment on how bright & advanced he seems. Yeah he doesn't sleep great (has slept through a couple of times only) but who's to say he'd be any different on formula? I might still be up as often but with the added task of making up bottles. Bfing isn't easy, there have been times in the middle if the night I'd have loved to kick my oh & tell him its his turn to get up or let grandparents have him for a night, but, this stage isn't going to last forever & I'd be disappointed in myself if I gave up now because of others & anyway I'm sure they'd just find something else to tell me I'm doing wrong instead!!!!

Woo felt good to get that out :-D


  • =D> lol That was a good vent!! :) be very proud for sticking to it though... you do you and the others can F off as far as I'm concerned lol.
  • Good for you for sticking with it!
  • Stick with it! My bf was ff, & didn't sleep through the night till he was two!!! There are tough nights even ff!! Plus, making bottles is much harder!! Trust me lol I effing hate cleaning bottles!
  • Good for you!! Sleep has nothing to do with how he's fed. Every baby is different.
  • I hate how your loved ones are the ones who are most against you doing it...when my mom sees me feeding Naliyah she's like ugh that's nasty i'm like hello you were bf... My boyfriends family was always like you need to feed her more.i'm like this my baby thank you
  • Be proud! Very proud.
  • You go for sticking with you when you arne't getting the needed support!
  • My oh said last night that we should just give her a bottle.... I rolled my eyes cuz that's all I can do without starting a fight!
  • Thanks @RedShadoe0 @musicgalwantsababy @starrxoxo9 @caroline8_p @1stWoodsBaby I am proud I stuck at it, bf ain't easy, heck just being a parent ain't easy!!!!

    @natashalynn that's how I see it too & man I struggle to do chores already without giving myself more to do!!!

    @newmomma13 I don't think they know just how much it gets to me & I hate confrontation so mainly just try to ignore. Think mil genuinely cares, she tried bfing had no support, lack of info & couldn't do it

    @heyitsme my oh is the only one who's not suggested ff, he doesn't really care how I feed as long as its me doing it!!!

    @kristaf22 thanks!!!! Have read your posts & wish I had some words of wisdom, if you find a solution please please tag me xxxx
  • @kristaf22 I think it may have been mentioned on one of your posts but someone recommended the book the no cry sleep solution, well I've just ordered it, will let you know how I get on :-)
  • Oh & good luck with your family xxxx
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