The no-cry sleep solution

edited June 2012 in Sleep
My lo is 4 months old & for the past month has not been sleeping well at all, I'm so so tired its unbelievable. So after reading it on here a few times I've bought the book, figure things can't get much worse so am giving it a go (started on Fri) & thought I'd plot my progress for anyone who's interested.

Night one : made a log of my night, he went to bed at 6.45pm as was exhausted, had me up a total of 8 times, one time was for an hour, another an hour & a half, the others were 5-10 mins of nursing each. No wonder I'm so knackered, this is worse than when he was a newborn, at least then he slept lots during the day so I could too.

Night two : started implementing it today & he managed a couple of decent naps, tried to make his bedtime routine bit longer & more chilled. Managed to get him down while still awake & he settled himself. Asleep by 7pm, slept til 12.10 (according to the book anything over 5 hours is classed as sleeping through woohoo) took me an hour to get him back to sleep though, up once more & then up for anyone the day at 6.30. A huge improvement on previous night just hope its not a fluke.


  • Madison was the same way, now we give her a bath, let her play with tv and everything off, lights dimmed until she gets fussy or starts rubbing her eyes, a bottle then she's out until 4. Sounds like you're making progress, good luck!!
  • I've heard so much about this book i just ordered it on amazon
  • I love this book! I'm still getting up once a night but I am ok with that bc he's truly hungry! We have had a few set backs with teething but I just stuck to the rules and we have gotten back on of luck!
  • Tag me on updates please...did he use to have to nurse to fall asleep
  • Who is the author it this book? sounds like something am interested in
  • Also what does the cover look like
  • @angie87 sorry taken me a while to respond, the book is by Elizabeth Pantley. Its a pale blue cover with a sleeping child on the front

    @newmomma13 I most certainly will tag you & yes he always nurses to sleep, he nurses when he wakes, he wants to nurse when he's upset, he just loves boob!!!! Have tried to get partner to settle him to sleep (when he's woken with wind etc) & he won't have none of it, just wants mommy & boob!!!!

    @crystaldawn0830 how long did it take before you started to see results? I know I'm still in really early stages of implementing & he now seems to be fighting it every step of the way :( I would love for him to just wake up once, even twice a night seems like heaven

    @stella I've loved reading it so far, so much of it makes perfect sense, just hope start to get results soon, they say can take up to a month or more but whats the alternative?!?!?

    @Kimberley4411 again that sounds like pure heaven to me, did you follow the book? How long did it take to get that routine?

    @sophiasmom11 stalk away!!!!! Hope it works for me & I do believe it can work if done correctly, but already so sleep deprived am not sure I'm taking everything in

  • Night three : had better day again, 2 good naps & 1 cat nap. Started bedtime routine a bit earlier so he wasn't so tired to start with, read a couple of books, followed by bath, cuddles with daddy all in quiet & with the curtains closed so was a bit darker. Went upstairs with me, nursed & had another story. Followed the tips about removing him from the boob when drowsy but not asleep & he did put up some resistance but was better than expected & only took 15mins or so to get him asleep in his cot. Wish the rest of the night was as successful but no, he's going to fight the change. Up 3 times during the night, 1st time for an hour, 2nd time an hour & a half, 3rd time for an hour again. Trying to stay positive, at least I can say, yes he was awake a lot & I'm still exhausted but he never got himself in a state or spent much time crying & suprisingly this morning I didn't have to cry either which I have found to be the norm lately :)
  • Well Its really had for me to say bc I had started doing some of the recommendations prior to reading the book. I will say that nap time is very important!! I started getting him to fall asleep without help during the day. Once I knew he could do it then I started at night. The only time I rock him is at his night time feedings and as soon as he's done I put him in his crib. I kiss his forehead and say it's night night time. I then turn on his music and give him his blanket. A lot of the time he wrestles around and then falls asleep. Sometimes I have to go in and pick him up for a sec to love on him and then I lay him down and he's out.

    I agree that they have to learn to fall asleep without mommys help. Which we are still learning. I think within a few weeks u will start seeing great improvements! Just stick with it! Also during the night feedings I never turn the lights on and I usually put him in a size larger diaper so I don't have to wake him to change it so often.

    I hope u get relief soon bc I know how hard it us gettin up 3+ times a night!
  • edited June 2012
    I hear ya @willothewisp . Not to many options.I refuse to let Xavier cio not to ruffle any feathers but that's just not for me.and being sleeped deprived isn't working either lol.i don't get my book till the 25th i ordered it off of amazon. Please tag me and let me know how it is going for you
  • @stella @newmomma13 @sophiasmom11

    Night four : can only be described as complete failure, took me an hour to get him settled to sleep, he woke an hour an a half later when it turned into the no sleep cry method, any time I moved, he cried, would settle him again & try to put him down & he'd just scream. Was awful to see him so upset & unsettled. Took forever to calm him & I gave up & he slept with us for the night :'(
  • Its ok girl its not gonna be easy...its gonna take time
  • = (( hope tonight is better i'm sure it's not instant and will take some time.sorry last night was so ruff
  • Night five : just couldn't face it tonight, did our bedtime routine & after his bath he just looked at me with big sad eyes & looked so scared I almost started crying so no cry sleep solution is being put on hold for a bit until we're both ready to try again & I'm happy with that. He managed to stay on his own til 1am, joined me in bed for a feed, woke 1 further time & then up at 7.30 :-D
  • @kristaf22 said I'd let you know how I got on & guess can only sum up as not good at all, hope you have better luck than me. Maybe I should have persevered a bit longer but his sad eyes made me feel so bad
  • Dont feel bad. My daughter is 7 months now but only started sleeping through at 5.5 months and I still get up most nights for a quick cuddle and tuck her in again. She kicks her blankets off and gets cold. I have to cuddle her till she falls asleep for every sleep she has though and im trying to break the habit. Your lo is still so young and may really need those night feeds still. Give it a few more weeks and try again. When you have the energy hold off on giving bubs the boob and see if you can settle without feeding. I found when I could avoid a feed and just rock and cuddle my lo back to sleep she slowly stopped waking for feeds.
    My son was an awful sleeper... I ended up doing CIO and hated it... But it worked and now at almost 3 he is a great sleeper... Every child is different just go with what you feel is best
  • Thanks @sophiasmom11 I don't think either of us are ready yet & since decided to stop we've had 2 fairly good nights :-)
  • @tinka1326 thank you >:D<
    Since deciding to stop he's been waking 2-3 times for a feed, feels like heaven after anywhere between 6-10 :-)
  • Yea don't feel bad at all! My son is a week away from 8 months and I started the week before he turned 6 months. You truly can't succeed until your ready! Hehe the book even explains that sp don't feel bad. My son is Now getting up twice a night but is sleeping from 8 pm-9 am. So I am super happy about that!

    When ur ready you'll know! Until then, enjoy snuggle time!
  • @tinka1326 try a sleep sack so she won't get cold! :-)
  • @ourlittlenugget she already sleeps in one with a jumpsuit under it. Im in Australia and it's winter here and she is in the coldest room in the house. Poor lil poppet isnt coping well with the cold, she was born when the weather was warm.
  • Aw poor pumpkin! @tinka1326 ((((warm hugs))))
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