@starrxoxo9 I asked cause my daughter is 7 months she will be 8 months on the 10th and she's not into baby food any more. How old is your daughter....oh she also don't have any teeth but she can eat table food
@jnlelrod that's how my daughter is and I wanna give her the toast but she don't have any teeth. I give her the gerber puffs so my friend was telling me I could dip those in the baby food cause that's what she does with her daughter
Yea I just started trying to give her baby food a few weeks ago and its been a fail...lol! The puff thing sounds like a good idea too bc my daughter doesn't have any teeth yet either. Unless we just lightly toast it and cut it up into little tiny pieces and smash it a little? I give her little tiny pieces of biscuit or whatever I'm eating smashed sometimes and she usually likes that. It's funny bc my older 3 boys never had any problems with baby food. They always loved it right away.
@jnlelrod she use to eat a whole thing of baby food but now she likes table food more. But I'm a try cutting it up and give it to her and see how she likes it
She's 10 months, but has been eating it for a few months. At first I'd put a good amount on, to make the toast a little softer, but now I just do a thin spread.
@mommyof3girls thank you