breast feeding mommas how long can a baby not breastfeed?

edited June 2012 in Breastfeeding
i want to get back into school asap do u think my lo shell be 9 months when school starts but do u think shell be able to go 5 hours with out breast feeding? or should i wait tell shes a year


  • Can you pump and give a bottle of breast milk? That's what I have to do with my daughter. I'm in nursing school.
  • @newmommy_11 i cant pump ive tried everything :-(
  • Yup feed her before u leave n for the next meal make it real foods like some rice n beans or fruit maybe whole wheat toast. She's 9 months she can survive on regular food for a few. Trust me my boys 8 months n I'm starting to replace a meal n giving regular snacks
  • Sry bout the beans thing I'm brown. I LOVE beans hehe n make sure u feed her from both sides
  • @dra765 the way im looking at it is my lo will be sleeping for maybe 2 hours that im gone and we can try n make it to were the its the last 2 hours so that when she wakes up i can feed her..
  • You can do it just give her a snack or somethin filling. In Guatemala when they don't have money for formula(if they formula feed) they trick em by putting water in the bottle...
  • Just an fyi lol
  • @dra765 i give her juice and stuff but when she wakes up so wants to nurse and i just dint want my supply to go down
  • You'll be ok. I thought mine would go down too when i went back to work bc ppl say the pump doesn't work like baby but I'm ok n I'm gone 11 hrs a day but it evens out on my days off. It will def adjust n not make as much during those 5 hrs but it can go back if for some reason u stop school
  • @dra765 school will only be 4 to 5 hours and no more
  • Ya you'll be good then. My son only eats once a night now but when he has a growth spurt or is just being a brat my boobs go back to producing a lot at night so I have start the process again when its over
  • My son is 11 months and for over a month he hasn't eaten a bottle of breastmilk while I am in school (7-4). It just depends on the baby!
  • Yes my 7 month old goes close to that time in between feedings on a regular bases.
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