8 weeks today and swollen fingers?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
caught off guard and went to put my rings on this a.m. and my usually larger engagement ring got stuck on my finger with the spacer on it. I finally could take it off and put it back on with no spacer and it fits fine. before today it. was def very big. no im nervous this is some symptom of preeclampsia and idk if I should call my dr. I didnt think swelling fingers were normal for 8 weeks


  • Well I am 18weeks but a few weeks ago went through the same thing. Monitor salty things todcay increase water is it warm today where you live? That increases swelling. If you are worried call your doctor that's what they are there for. You also this week double your bloodflow. I can't remember if it was a side effect though. Have a good day. <3
  • thanks! yeah I live in florida so its always hot! I didnt no about the doubling the bloodflow this week. thanks for the info!
  • You're welcome. I have an app on my phone what to expect when you're expecting and acouple others to read.check them out.
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