40 weeks & labor has started! Update!

edited June 2012 in Third Trimester
Well I woke up around 11pm 2.5 hrs ago. Was having dreams of cramps, and woke up and sure enough I had real ones. Called hubby at work, called the birth center. As I was sitting on the toilet I called hubby again to come home. Since 1140 I've had 34 contractions between 8-56 seconds. The last 4 are getting longer which is what she said we want. So I'm getting nervous!!
Well we headed to the hospital around 3am. Were sent home around 8 :(. Got some food and slept around contractions. They have me nubane?sp. Anyway I had an appt at 2pm and he told me to go back to the hospital! Thank goodness! I'm now 5cm, dr broke my water, & I have the epidural. Greatest thing ever!


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