rocking back and forth (video)

edited June 2012 in Ages & Stages
She started doing this the other day. it seems kind of odd... what do you think?


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  • it looks pretty normal to me, is a new experience for her , babies do some weird things
  • I agree, my Lo does that when she is on someone's lap trying to get down. How old is she? She is adorable BTW!
  • @HomeBirthAdvocate ya she is really trying to crawl now but just cant and gets frustrated :) thats what I thought too but I didnt know for sure
    @second_time_mommy7 shes 8 months and thanks!! :) I think so too :P
  • That would be it! My Lo was the same way she is crawling now but still not able to "play" with the other kids she gets so frustrated! I think she is just overwhelmed with all the stuff around her to play with that she really can't get to! I wouldnt worry about it! Maybe ask the doc if she continues it after she is mobile. She didn't seem to daze off in it or be bothered by it, that's what makes me think its probably just boredom or her being overwhelmed!
  • My lo recently started doing the same thing but she falls over and can't get herself back up Haha I think she just wants to go but doesnt know how yet
  • She's so cute!! It looks like she's playing air guitar lol!! She's getting ready to move!!
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