i think naliyah is crazy!!! lol jk

edited June 2012 in Babies
Naliyah likes to hit her head against things like when shes sitting in her bumbo she likes to hit her head against the chair that I set her seat on... then she'll stand up by the head board and hit her head against the wall and she enjoys it does ur baby like to do this


  • edited June 2012
    Yes my son likes doing this. I thought something was wrong with him but I read that it'd normal and soothing for them how strange. He also has done it when we go out to eat when he's on the high chair he will band his head on the table but hes only done that 2 times in public
  • Yes my son loves to do that and start cracking up lmao silly kiddos :)
  • omg yes my little one does it too, it scared me the first time :-))
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