
edited June 2012 in Pregnant
How arre you doing? How is your pregnancy going?


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  • @hodgeslangdon @ArmahnisMommy @bexiewexie @trixiesmom8

    Hey girls! I am doing good. My pregnancy is going good so far! Baby is moving a ton. I love it! :X It is almost surreal to me that I have made it this far. I am enjoying looking at all the baby girl stuff lol. I am sad about my weight though! I have gained 24 pounds so far and I don't get why! My dr said she is not concerned at all cuz I was in the normal weight range before becoming pregnant. But I am bothered by it! :/ ughh and stretch marks and cellulite :( lol. I just hope after she comes I can get my body back on track. I am wondering when I will have another ultrasound? Don't they check to make sure baby is growing right? I go in next week for my glucose test I hope it goes good! How are you all doing!?
  • Thanks for getting back I am so glad she is doing well. How many weeks are you? They did ultrasounds for me one at. 7 weeks then 20 probably not till 36 weeks to make sure babies head is down. I have a little less then 4 weeks to see her again to see if her head is down. I gained so much weight with my 2 boys. this one I go up and down with weight. My goal after I have her is to lose weight.
  • I am 25 weeks 2 days! How far along are you now? I wanna see her again lol. My last ultrasound was at around 19 weeks. Yeah I am gonna work hard after she comes to get the weight off!

  • How many weeks are you? Weight gain is normal but how much you gain per trimester does matter you can talk to the doc about how much gain is healthy for the stage your at.
  • weight gain is just fine I gained with my first 22 with my second 14 andwith my third 42 so its all depends I am back down to 93 pounds fully dressed with shoes and everything so it all depends
  • @rjr33 I am going to be 33 weeks this weekned
  • You are doing fine. If the doc isn't concerned about your weight you shouldn't be. When I delivered I had gained 22lbs but I was up and down the whole time. Glad things are going well, enjoy the time while you can cause it goes by too fast. My lo will be 7 months tomorrow.
  • @bexiewexie yeah except when she kicks my bladder and it makes me jump lol

    @AishaMusa 25 weeks 2 days. Yeah my dr said she isn't concerned. But I just feel so chubby :( I am gaining weight everywhere not just my belly ughh.

    @skysma I have always been athletic but since I got pregnant I dont work out much other than walking cuz I have had complications. I hope I will be able to get my body back!

    @hodgeslangdon wow your getting close! Maybe after we have our babies we can help each other on our weight goals!

    @trixiesmom8 I think part of me is worried about my weight cuz I am getting stretch marks and cellulite on my legs :( lol. It is already going fast! I cant believe I only have 3 months. I cant wait to meet her.
  • @rjr33 I completely understand my weight has been all over the place during my pregnancy as well. Just walk as much as possible and when it gets to hot outside just always keep a cold (not ice cold) but cold bottle of water always around you. It's easy to get dehydrated if not drinking enough. Also it'll help you for the gestational diabetes test but also don't drink or eat anything for 2hrs before the appointment if you do they'll reschedule it. I know that's one of the hardest things to overcome during pregnancy but just get it over with and do what they say you need to do for the gestational testing cause BELIEVE ME you wouldn't wanna do a 3hr testing and another fast.

    You'll do great remember for your baby it's worth it all. That walking idea will help you ALOT. It's also a difficult task in the beginning believe me it felt like i was dragging myself to start a walk but it deffinitely will help you and the growth of the baby. I already fell like i've dropped a few pounds and im 4 weeks away from delivery. Just don't try to loose to much at once or it can also become unsafe. Just do as much as you can and after the birth you'll see a big difference.

    Good luck mama and sorry for the essay responce lol.. ;))
  • Btw the 3hr testing for the gestational diabetes only happens if you fail it which im sure you will pass with no problem... i did and i was surprised lol.
  • @rjr33 Yep I def am. I def agree with the weight goal. I def would love to go back to a certain size of pants.
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