Sadder than I had expected

edited June 2012 in Breastfeeding
My little Delilah will be 11 months on the 13th and she has been self weaning. She stopped nursing so much around 9 months and now I can get 1 good session in at night. I was hoping to keep going until 18 months. Wah :( Also was hoping to just continue until baby number 2 gets here to avoid the pains!


  • Aw hugs to you xxxx
  • When I first started I couldn't wait for this day. My boobs would be mine again!!!! but I'm so bummed. One less thing she needs from mommy :(
  • I feel your pain. I tried to almost force nurse just to keep going. Baby was ready to be done so i slowly weaned. It caused slight depression for me. It does get better though. Hang in there and be proud of how long you made it!
  • edited June 2012
    At least you did it this long! Good job momma!!!
  • @BlessedTXMomI @doodles @jennalynne87
    I have a pump, but my supple is so low from being pregnant and her not nursing as much. It would take forever to get a bottle! She has begun whole milk (lucky duck) and she gets lots of home made food!! I do that sometimes! Like before or after every nap and before lunch and dinner time I nurse. Even if for a few minutes. I didn't think she would wean so fast! I'll have another in September to work with!! and thanks :)
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