My thyroid is enlarged * NEW UPDATE *

edited June 2012 in Health
I've been meaning to see if any of you have been through this. At a routine dr visit about 6 months ago they noticed my thyroid was enlarged. I went for ultra sound & they said it had a bunch of nodules on it. Blood work shows my thyroid is functioning fine so he seemed like it was no big deal. He said I could do a needle biopsy to make sure it wasn't cancer. (less than 5% chance he said) So I couldn't make the appt cause we were in the middle of moving. I called to cancel 3 days in advance & said I'd have to call back in a few weeks cause I was moving. Well she pushed me into making the appt then. I had to call & cancel again, & the receptionist said it was no problem & was real nice. 2 days later I got a letter in the mail stating I needed to find another dr bc I had canceled 2 appts! Wtheck! The lady didn't even tell me that! So now it's been months & idk if I have cancer! It feels like it's getting bigger since I got pg. Anyone know anything about thyroid nodules? Thanks.


  • Hun i wont be much help since i dont know much of the subject but my aunt got enlarged thyroid and high thyroid levels after she got pregnant and she is ok now, i think it gets worse during your pregnancy.. but i am not sure :( sorry.. heres a bump for you
  • I have an aunt who had to have hers removed for the same reasons, only hers wasn't working whatsoever. I'll ask and update you later!
  • Thanks, I appreciate the help! @Janet_2011 & @LilSugarsMomma
  • I know it's cheesy to reference reality tv, nut Vicky's daughter Brianna had that on Real Housewives. She had a biopsy and no cancer! I'm sure it's the same for you, but try to get in so you can get everything under control. Prayers!
  • @ourlittlenugget thank you! I been so busy that I keep putting it off, but now that it seems bigger I'm getting just teensy worried. I go to my ob tuesday so I'll ask him too...thanks again.
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  • @homebirthadvocate that's good to know I'm not the only one lol. When is it considered a goiter? I've been trying to eat so healthy lately I was hoping it would go away.
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  • Im in the same boat as you. Enlarged thyroid with nodules. Bloodwork was normal but was supposed to see the specialist for possible biopsy cause it could be cancer still. Needless to say, I never went. That was supposed to be a year and a half ago. My hands and feet go numb now. Im always tired. And I've gained a ton of random weight.
  • @Wilsomom Mine felt enlarged to my doctor at an annual exam and both my mother and grandmother had thyroid issues. I had a ultrasound and it showed that I had nodules growing off it as well. I had 2 biopsy's and both came back inconclusive. I also had to do a radioactive iodine test because my grandmother and mother both had hypothyroid. I tested positive for that. My doctor said that I could either do nothing about the nodules and hope they were not cancerous, but they would eventually grow so big that they would push on my wind pipe and I would have breathing problems or I can have it removed. I had it removed and no cancer so I just take pill every day that replaces the thyroid hormone. My tsh levels were crazy during my last pregnancy, always had to adjust my dosage.
  • @Steph_Due101611. Thyroid issues can be very serious if not should get it checked out! Hope everything is okay!
  • edited June 2012
    @kyliemommie Do you know what causes the nodules? I wonder if there's any way to reverse it? Thanks for the input, I'll def talk to my doc about it Tuesday.

    @Steph_due_101611 yeah, the numb hands & feet thing doesn't sound good. You should go get it checked out lol. :)
  • So with first prenatal blood work yesterday my thyroid tests came back abnormal. Tsh was .29 & I didn't understand the other ones. I can feel my nodules/thyroid getting bigger since I got pg. I'm scared to death, I don't want to have surgery or be dependant on drugs. Any natural therapies or advice? I'm trying not to worry, but googling it didn't help. I'm waiting on a phone call from specialist for an appt. I wonder if this is why I miscarried before this pg.
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  • edited June 2012
    @mama_kat Yes, I hate this! Lol I hope yours is all good. :)
  • I actually was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer 11 yrs ago when I was 20...I had my whole thyroid removed & had radioactive iodine for treatment. It came back the following year & I had to go in for another surgery & do the treatment all over again. It was a hard time in my life, but 11 years later with 3 kids and I haven't had a problem since :). I do take a pill daily to regulate my levels & my doctor would check my levels throughout my whole pregnancy. Don't stress too much about it, like my doctor said, "of all the cancers out there, if you're going to get one, this would be it because the success rate is so high & treatment is minimal." I wouldn't put it off either though...I never noticed my lump until one day my mom mentioned something to me. We had it checked & come to find out, it had been growing for almost 3 yrs & the tumor was the size of half an orange. I feel great now & have for a long time. As long as they can get u on the right dose of medicine, u won't even be able to tell. They completely removed my thyroid and I still feel great. Good luck and don't let it stress u too much, just make sure u get checked :)
  • @hanerc Wow, I'm glad it all worked out in the end for you! Hopefully mine isn't too bad, I asked the doc to tell me my levels, but I don't know how to put it all together, so I may be getting all upset over nothing.
  • @Wilsomom I just realized that it's actually been 13 years cancer free :). Anyway, I don't understand the levels really either so when they tell me numbers I don't really know what it means. I just know that getting your levels where they need to be will make all the difference in the way you feel. I never realized how much your thyroid really did until I went through this. When it's not functioning correct, it can be miserable. I hope you get some answers soon :)
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  • Thanks guys, I'll try to be calm until I see the specialist. :)
  • I know your tsh level is just outside the normal range so hopefully they've caught anything early. Do you know what your other levels are?
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  • @willothewisp all I know was the free t4 was 1.29.

    @mama_kat that's great news! :)
  • I pretty certain that's within normal range. When do you go to see the specialist?
  • @willothewisp My ob sent them my test results & they were suppose to call me yesterday for an appt. but they didn't so I'll call them Monday. Maybe my levels are just a little off due to pregnancy. I hope that's all.
  • Hope so too, pregnancy can do strange things us :-)
  • So I FINALLY got in with the specialist. She asked if I could come in Monday really early & I said does she have anything later in the day. She said no, she doesn't normally come in on Mondays, only for emergency patient consults....WTH! NOW I'M AN EMERGENCY?! Great, now I'm freaked out. :/
  • Try not to freak out, my guess is you're classed as an emergency because you're pregnant so they won't want to take any chances by making you wait >:D<
  • @willothewisp Yeah I never thought of that lol.
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