what am i doing wrong???
This is getting frustrating!!
Ive tried fenurgreek took the reccomended amount it says for about a wk and it acutally decreased my supply so I stopped ...I drank mothers tea for 2 wks straight...didn't notice much difference..ive upper my protien intake..I tried gatorade...I'm drinking lots of water and eating healthy..Pumping and feeding and pumping some more....
But I'm still only getting BARELY 2 oz when I pump and I'm trying to build a supply. Sometimes I'm able to get 3 oz but that's a rare moment. Sometimes my baby seems satisfied when he nurses so I don't think my supply is that bad but there are times i have to supplement a couple of oz of formula here and there. But seriously..why am I only getting this much? My pump is brand new. I checked the parts and suction. They seem to be working fine I'm just worried when I go back to work in a couple of weeks I wont keep up with him and I will have to stop all together. I did read to take more than the reccomended amount of fenurgreek but I'm afraid if I do my supply will suffer again or get worse. Any advice?
Ive tried fenurgreek took the reccomended amount it says for about a wk and it acutally decreased my supply so I stopped ...I drank mothers tea for 2 wks straight...didn't notice much difference..ive upper my protien intake..I tried gatorade...I'm drinking lots of water and eating healthy..Pumping and feeding and pumping some more....
But I'm still only getting BARELY 2 oz when I pump and I'm trying to build a supply. Sometimes I'm able to get 3 oz but that's a rare moment. Sometimes my baby seems satisfied when he nurses so I don't think my supply is that bad but there are times i have to supplement a couple of oz of formula here and there. But seriously..why am I only getting this much? My pump is brand new. I checked the parts and suction. They seem to be working fine I'm just worried when I go back to work in a couple of weeks I wont keep up with him and I will have to stop all together. I did read to take more than the reccomended amount of fenurgreek but I'm afraid if I do my supply will suffer again or get worse. Any advice?
If you are then, he/she may be draining the boobs. It's not that you are not producing enough, but rather getting what's left. Plus pumps are not as efficient as draining the breast as baby.
When pumping are you compressing the breast? Compressions on the side of the breast the insides and the bottom. The pump cannot draw milk out that far back and compressions help.
Fenugreek taken in conjunction to blessed thistle is the best, at least for me. 3 capsules of each 3x/day. You know you are getting enough when you literally start smelling like maple syrup.
To build supple pump after every feeding. I did for 15 minutes or until nothing came out anymore for 3 minutes. Don't get discouraged, it's work. Don't focus on the amount you are pumping but rather that you are producing. Increase happens gradually and depends on how often you are pumping. I'd you pump twice a day, you will not see a significant increase versus if you pump say 6 times a day.
Good luck!