How many weeks when you saw something on u/s

edited March 2011 in First Trimester
Hi ladies, I have an appt today to do another u/s the first time I didn't see anything which was 2 weeks ago. I'm supposed to be 7 weeks today but the dr said I'm not as far as she though I was so I don't really know for sure how many weeks I am today. But I just wanted to know how soon you guys were able to see something in the u/s.


  • I was 7 weeks when I had 1st u/s its looked like a lil bean
  • That happen to me. She did a vaginal ultrasound and she didn't see nothing. Then I went bk 4 days later and turns out o was 8 weeks 4 days when they did it again. That was like 3 weeks ago. Keep updated see how everything goes. Ull probably see Ur baby today since it 7 weeks
  • I had my first ultrasound yeaterday at 8 weeks and i saw a tiny little baby that was about 3/4 of an inch and the sac. It's my profile pic =)
  • I saw a little dot with a heartbeat at 6W2D. Every baby doesn't always show a heartbeat that early though. And also keep in mind that in these early stages even if your dates are just a few days off it can make a huge difference. I hope you have a good appointment!
  • Thanks ladies, I will def update you guys. I am just so nervous right now but I kust have to leave it in gods hands. Congrats to all of you!!!
  • I was 9 weeks my first us
  • I was 6w1d. Saw the yolk sac and a little blob with a heart beating!
  • I was 6 weeks when I saw a tiny thing with a heart beat... had one at 9 weekd and the little bean was 10 times bigger with a heart beat!
  • I am 7 weeks and had my first sono to day and saw it and the heart beat
  • At 5w0d we saw a tiny sac with nothing in it...went back the next week exactly at 6w0d and saw bigger sac with a baby with a heartbeat!!
  • I was around 5 Wk and a couple of days when they saw a sac and a dot and the little heartbeat the doc was shocked she had told me beforehand not to get my hopes up on seeing anything but i guess my baby wanted to be recognized :)
  • I had a u/s done at six weeks and my doc couldnt see or hear the heart I'm now seven wks should I wait I'm kinda worried
  • Go see the doc. I was supposed to be 7 weeks at my first and I was 6 weeks and 5 days. Heart doesn't start until 6 weeks. You could be early.
  • My dr wants to see us for the first time at 8wks just so we can see something. Mine looked like a bean with legs arms and starting of a nose or chin
  • Aww I loved hearing all your stories, I'm really hoping all goes well today.
  • Got positive test at 3weeks. Saw sac at 5 weeks and 4days. Heard heart beat at six weeks twodays. Saw actual head of baby by some date of stealers game in January.
  • I saw mine when I was 11 weeks. Couldn't hear the heart beat tho. It was so cute seeing the baby move around my partner almost cried, it was cute.
  • I was six weeks n I saw baby n heartbeat
  • edited March 2011
    I was 8weeks nd I seen the heartbeat also
  • @cali83 how did the apt go?
  • So I just got back and it went well. I got to see a sac and a lil I didn't get to hear a hb yet she said I'm about 5 weeks. But I go back again next week:)
  • 7w 5d we saw a small blob but the best part was we could see a flicker which our doctor said was the heart beat.
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