9 month old feeding schedule

edited June 2012 in Food
What is/was your 9 month olds feeding schedule?
I need serious HELP!!!


  • At 9 months old Tessa had 4-5 bottles a day, 6oz and breakfast, lunch and dinner for practice. She eats everything I eat. At 10 months now its basically the same, but she's teething really bad so she hasn't been eating a ton of regular food lately.
  • Jaksyn is 9 months today, and he eats an 8oz bottle for breakfast at about 8am, has a stage 2 jar of fruit mixed with oatmeal for lunch around 11am, then has an 8oz bottle at about 3pm, and then has a whole jar of a stage 3 dinner between 5 or 6pm, and then he has a bed time bottle between 7-7:30pm and then he is off to bed all night. He also will eat what we have for dinner for him to practice with but not much gets into his mouth that is why he also has baby food, plus he has no teeth. We are working on taking either a mid day bottle or the breakfast bottle out with in the next month and adding more foods, either breakfast or an afternoon snack time bc he is not finishing his bottles anymore and doesnt seem to like them.
  • @starrxoxo9 that's exactly what rion gets, but he gets baby food for breakfast lunch and dinner, I was thinking he needs more food.

    @my2boys that is more the type of schedule I think he needs, more food in a sitting and less milk. He gets 5 6oz bottles and three small jars of food. I want to do three 8 oz bottles and more food!
  • Well he doesn't necessarily "need" it until age 1, but its good to encourage self feeding and let him practice.
  • @starrxoxo9 I know I just feel like 1 is so close and I should start the weaning process. I just wanted to get an idea of what you ladies do, so I know where to adjust.
  • I know what you mean. I don't even know how I'm gonna take the bottles away. Tessa definitely doesn't eat enough food to make up for it. And I only have a month and a half to figure it out lol
  • @starrxoxo9 yea I spoke with a friend of mine today and she was saying you replace the calories. The example she gave was. Morning 8 oz bottle 4 am, breakfast jar of food and three tbsp cereal 8 am, snack, lunch 8 oz bottle and jar of food 12 pm, snack, dinner jar of food and some of my food 530~6 pm, 8 oz bottle before bed 8 pm. This is based on Rion's current feeding times, but you get it.
  • Malia just eats dinner. A snack during the day, usually fruit. Her pedi said she can eat what I eat. She is 9.5mo.
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