i want ur advice!!

edited June 2012 in Babies
ok so my daughter is 8 mo old right now and my grandmother keeps trying to tell me that i need to start weening her off of the bottle, insted when i need to give her her mild put it in a sippy cup and just feed her food all day. now as it is she only eats like 3 6oz bottles, maby a 4 oz one along with that every once in a whyle. and she eats anything we do and gets at least one jar of baby food if not 2 a day. i feed her when she lets us know shes hungry, but my grandmother keeps trying to force food down her thought, althow i talk to her about not doing that all the time. idk what to do about all of this this is my first child and im only 18.

so do i start to ween her off the bottle or keep her on till around the age of 1?


  • Til age 1!
  • She till needs atleast 24oz of formula a day.
  • Do what you think is best for YOUR baby...don't let anyone bully you into things just cause they say so
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  • @caroline8_p thats part of the problem shes never realy drank that much formula and i dont want to force it on her eather she has only about 18 oz a day if she drinks all her milk.

    well now shes saying i should keep a night time bottle but cuz the rest out. im thinking she is too young to take it away like that tho.
  • @ArmahnisMommy she has ben on a sippy cup sence about 3 mo old, she gets water every day in it every few days ill give her juice tho. and she just got her first tooth, its not evon all the way through yet.
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  • she can eat just about anything, even chicken (in little peices).
    and i never giver her anythign but milk in her bottles, the water and juice go in her sippy cup.

    but i think im going to keep her on them for a whyle still. the more i think about it the more i just dont think she is ready or will eat enough food to keep her calories up.
  • My daughter is almost 13months and still gets 3 bottles a day of milk and everything else goes in her sippy. Her doctor said not to worry about it till about 15 months.
  • @navybabyonway thanks, that makes me feel better about keeping her on them for a little longer.
  • All babies are different. My daughter will NOT drink milk out of a sippy but will drink water and juice out of them.
  • I waited until david was a year old to wean him off the bottle. I also waited until he was a year old to give him cows milk. Im pretty sure they arent supposed to have it until then, but if your baby has already been drinking it with no problems, then I suppose its okay. I personally think you should wait until the baby is a year old to get rid of the bottle but ultimately its up to you. Mommy knows best, better than grandma or even pregly ladies. Trust your own insticts mama
  • @DavidnAndysMoma oh no im not giveing her strate cows milk untill shes at least one, she has issues with reg milk shes evon on the prosobee formula, but she has gottin a lot better with stuff that has milk in it so i think she will be fine with it when i need to change her over, so she would still be getting formula but it would be in a sippy cup insted of a bottle but not as much as she gets now. thank you for your advice tho.

    @everyone i think im just going to keep her on the bottle and say the hell with what my grandmother wants me to do with her. over all it is my choice and hell ive got to figer all of this out sometime because im alrety 14 weeks pregnant with my second. but thank you everyone.
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