my entire body hurts

Having a 4days old newborn and a 13 month babygirl is not easy... yesterday cleaning the whole apartment, mopping, laundry, cleaning kitchen , n taking care of 2 babys , n on,top of that no sleep.. I wish I had a least a lil help .. All I feel like doing now is cry n :'(


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  • I cant have my floors n things dirty when I have my baby running all around
  • I agree u def need more time . Do u have any family or friends that culd help with the housework?
  • I just feel im alone in all this :'( my body hurts, n when I asked my exbf who is still living here cuz the whol staying here was for him to help me a couple weeks, all hr says is stop overreacting, he like im gona help u, n all he do is go out n come drunk.
  • No I dnt have nobody , my sis works so cnt help @Mrz_jackson
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  • What about ur mom or his u need to stop really... U need to find someone or ask a friend. Thats what im do I asked my bff to,help me so she is going to be helping for like 3 Weeks cause im have a second c section n the doctor said im need all the rest I can get
  • If I lived near, I'd come clean for you!
  • He is gona b paying the rent for july thats why he.doesnt wamt to leave
  • Here's a few ideas that might help:

    1. Put toddler in a play pen or crib so you can rest. Get him out once an hour or so.
    2. Block off rooms so they won't get messy.
    3. Better yet "live" in one room until you heal. Keep all your supplies like diapers, wipes, dry snacks & drinks (with lid) in a nearby basket.
    4. Start a routine of resting 45 minutes & then doing one thing for 15 minutes, like fixing food, or clean ONE small thing if you must.
    5. Read books to your toddler or have a basket of toys nearby for him to play with while you rest.
    6. If possible get some help! :)

    Your body needs rest in order to heal so can take care of your little ones. @homebirthadvocate is right, it will take longer if you don't rest.

    I commend you for all the hard work! You are a trooper, but please rest! :)

    And congrats on your new little one!
  • Sorry, I said him instead of her about your 13 month old. ;)
  • I wouldve deffinitely helped you if I was near you even though my daughter is due in a couple weeks... sorry :( men are such a••holes
  • We are built for this, but you need to heal so you can get back to being Super Mommy! Just remember, babies sense stress.
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