feeling like a failure

edited June 2012 in Depression
I am feeling like a horrible mom and a failure. My life has been so crazy and messed up that I keep thinking how I screwed up our lives for not finishing school for medical assisting. I could have a good job by now if I would have finished. But I let my mental issues get the best of me. Also I am a bad mother cuz my son is behind. He will be starting school in the fall and he doesn't know everything he suppose to and its my fault. He's my first I didn't know when to start doing things with him. So he's behind and I hate myself for this. I hate my life. I'm such an idiot.
Sorry I'm feeling down this morning.


  • Gurl ur not a bad mommy ur doin Wat u have to do rite now an ur making sure ur babies are taking care of don't feel bad about urself this situation will not last long things are gona start looking up for you I jus know it !!!
  • You are not a bad mum! You are trying so hard to get yourselves out of this bad situation! You have lots of time between now and the start of school, maybe just try sitting with your son for a little while each day doing different activities. Keep them fun and he won't get bored! Keep your chin up hun, it will all work out
  • Im a first time dad and when i watch my daughter while my fiance is at work can be very overwhelming. If you were going to college you might be able to pick right up where you left off, so it might not be to late to finish. Keep your head up, your son will catch right up with everyone else, you will see everything happens for a reason and everything will eventually get better. Keep up the good work, and dont think/ let anyone tell you your a bad mom, no ones perfect and we all make mistakes :)
  • I went to school 2 or so years ago. And its not possible to go back right now. I need to get a job and that will be what helps us get out of the shelter. We need a home. Bad.
  • Don't worry about what your son needs to know... You have taught him tons in his little life! I'm sure you taught him how to crawl & walk, potty trained him, talking, get dressed, drink & eat, maybe even tie his shoes, etc. & more importantly how to love, work hard, do what you have to do & be there for the ones you love. I home school all my kids & let me tell you, some of them are 3 years "behind" in math or reading, some of them are ahead & some just right....according to the school system. They're all just right according to where they need to be for them & so is your son. He can learn many things faster when he's older anyway, so don't beat yourself up! You are doing what you have to do & that's something to be proud of. ;) Sorry, I don't mean to write a book, I know it sucks feeling down. Just think "this too shall pass" & someday you will look back at this time as a distant memory. (easier said than done, I know) Keep your chin up. :)
  • I'm sorry u r feeling so down. I might have a helpful tip for u and ur son.... ( I'm a 4/5 year old teacher for six years now) its not so much what we teach but how we teach. Anything in life can be a learning experience, its how u talk about it that helps. Your words and language skills will help him grow. U can talk about a simple thing as a bird on a phoneline... how it sounds, what u see, what u can smell. Every year the school system changes things they want us to teach or not teach involving writing. If that's where ur area of concern is with him, more than likely he wont be the only one and we learn with the others. Hope I helped :)
  • First of all you are not a bad mom. And I'm sorry you're having a ruff time and you have to give yourself a break you have a lot going on. But in time everything will start lining up. Trust me u know it is super hard and it sucks. We have been living off of my part time job for a year but u keep saying that as long as we are all safe and together and have food and roof over our head we are blessed because there are people all over the world that don't have anything not even clothing to wear and their family has died from starvation. I hope things get better for you. Keep looking forward and since you can't go back and fix the school stuff be strong for your family they need that right now.
  • Aww hun you're doing the best you can. Like @wilsomom said, every child is different. Personally, in this day and age, I think street smarts and common sense are more important than a lot of stuff they teach in school anyways.
  • I just feel bad because lots of kids his age can do so much more than him. Its so hard dealing with 3 kids in a shelter. I am so behind in my plans. I just got oldest potty trained, we had trouble with him wanting to poo in toilet. Now he does fine. He is 5. Now I need to potty train my almost 3yr old. And I guess start teaching him things too. Beforr he's behind too. I feel so tired.
  • Thank you everyone for your kind words. Its just really hard right now. I'm so stressed and so tired. I'm physically and emotionally exhausted. I need to look for a job. Look for an apartment. Teach both my sons things for school. Teach my youngest son to potty on the toilet. Take care of my little girl. I know every mom is busy. But I don't know if I can do everything. I need another me.
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