Strep. pnuemoniae to blame for chronic otitis media

edited June 2012 in Babies Health
Just found out my 8 month old has s. Pneumoniae growing in both ears, has since she was about 3 months old. Doctors won't give anymore antibiotics because none had worked, appt with ENT on Friday, but I am sure they won't do a surgery til her numbers are down.

My question: does anyone have any experience with this? Any mentorship is greatly appreciated, I am on the verge of a mental breakdown...been fighting with this bug for most of her life and I just want it gone!


  • Poor baby! what are her symptoms? just curious. I really hope the ent can help her soon.
  • What is it?
  • A bacteria that is causing chronic ear infections? Strep is a bacteria. Some strands cause strep throat etc. Otitis media is an ear infection @skysma
  • Her symptoms started when she was about 3 months old as being very fussy most of the time and very bad cold and sinusitis type symptoms. Kept being told it was a cold, however it didn't go away. antibiotic after antibiotic, with both ear drums bursting and draining. She would get flu like symptoms when she got older, vomitting and not eating for 2 days. Finally cultured the drainage the 2nd time around to find strep. Pneumoniae, a very resistant bacteria. Now, waiting for ent appt tomorrow, trying to get it sooner cuz I was told to just give her tylenol and wait it out.

    That's the story in a nutshell :)
  • Oo thank you @captivated I had no clue what it was hope she gets better
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