whats an appropriate age for...

Or grade to get a girls uni-brow waxed?
And eye brows cleaned up...not totally shaped but clean...if they had a bad noticeable one....


  • When SHE notices it and it bothers her. I don't think there really is an appropriate age. If my 6 year old was self-conscious about something, I'd do my best to get it taken care of.
  • I would say Jr high imo
  • I agree with @fate If she says it bothers her I'd let her get it done. But make sure you take her somewhere good so they don't make her brows too thin.
  • i was 11 when my mother first let me do my eyebrows. i'll probably do the same with my daughter, i want her to be a child for as long as possible, and not have to worry about shaving, plucking, etc too early.
  • Yea she doesn't like it and has had a few boys say something about it. She's only 10 but going into 5th grade. Our mom let me when I was going into 7th but I have really light eyebrows and never really needed it. We don't want to really shape them just clean them up a little.
    Thanks ladies
  • My oldest I started this year. She is 12. Her eyebrows are really wide but thin. We used a small eyebrow shaper razor.
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