Aww she is so pretty n lol I comb my baby hair exactly like that as a matter of fact its like that now n he hates getting his combed also thank God he is a boy n can get a hair cut cause he trips out sometimes smh he gets it combed when he wants to lol
@stephforever89 thank you @sands3 thank you @Hot2Cold87 thank you. I have to give her stuff to play with in order for her to let me do her hair and sometimes that don't work. @PregnantELF thank you
@starrxoxo9 thank you
@Mrz_Jackson thank you, she hates getting it done.
@sands3 thank you
@Hot2Cold87 thank you. I have to give her stuff to play with in order for her to let me do her hair and sometimes that don't work.
@PregnantELF thank you