At er with...

My ex-step daughter. She moved down from Ohio to stay with her dad my ex husband, 2 months ago. Well yesterday night be beat the crap out of her. I found out today and drove two hours to pick her up from a truck trying to find away to get her back to her mom in Ohio. I hope that sob rotts when they catch him he beat her up pretty bad.


  • omg! Is this new behavior of his? If not why did she leave her mom to live with his abusive ass? How old is she?
    She is lucky to have you! You did a great thing for her <3 I hope they find him!
  • Why did he beat her!!! That's crazy I hope she's ok
  • I dont even know what to say to this. That poor girl. Luckily she has you to help her.
  • She is 19 and yes he has always been an ass she just didn't believe me and her mom. He is be bi polar and won't take meds
  • Oh boy, what an awful way to learn the truth :( is she alright?
  • Poor thing. Hope she cab get home soon
  • Yea she's fine just pretty banged up. I made her go to er so that we could get her injuries document should she ever need proof like if this goes to court
  • Oh wow poor girl and was it out of no where our was there an argument??
  • Awe glad you were there to help her out and she gets back home to her mom soon.
  • Argument and apparently he was drunk as well
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  • That is horrible! What are her injuries? That really sucks!
  • edited June 2012
    Taking her to the er was definitely the right move! :)

    @armahnismommy she said in her original post, the girl moved down from Ohio to live with her dad. Ohio is where here mom is.
  • Bruised all up marks on her arms neck and handcuts too
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  • Okay so I got her connected to the run away hotline and they contacted her mom to make sure that she wanted her up there and they hotline paid for her bus ticket. She left at 8:35 in her way to Ohio will take her until Sunday to get there. Yes she did press charges hopefully he gets jail time for this. Will update more if I find out anything else. He has a long history of domestic violence.
  • I hope she'll be okay. That's horrible :-(
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