What is a good ear thermometer? Someone gave us the graco one and it sucks! So I have been taking her temp underneath her arm cause when I use the ear one it reads 96.4 but when I take it under her arm it reads 97.7. Aren't ear thermometers suppose to be more reliable than under the arm? I need to get a good ear one but didn't think it was that unreliable.
@aubreysmommy @candy101 all my research says to not add the degree but to tell the doc where you took it at so they know and they can decide on wither to add it or not.
@fate I have a feeling we will be spending a good amount of $$ on one but at least I know it'll last a few yrs(at least I would hope so)
@sophiasmom11 oh good to know!
@homebirthasvocate I'm not comfortable taking it rectally.
@mama_kat yes it is!